It's been a while since I've posted. Since then, things have changed. First off, after a small crisis between my friends was averted. Second, another friend went into the hospital. Third, she got out last Friday, thank the Lord. Fourth, the weekend was heck. And finally, today is Allie's birthday - 16, way to go! Last week, after the diplomatic equivalent of a hammer smashing a turtle to pieces, my friends and I (I really didn't do that much) managed to resolve a rather nasty matter. Honeslty, after it was over, I expected bitter attitudes, but for some reason, it was as if it never happened. Then, last Monday, Laurel had to go to the hospital for heart problems. That had Allie scared, as well as the rest of us (although, Lawton seemed unphased by all of it...). We prayed all week for her to be okay, and got to see her on Friday; she looked good, and I think Allie was relieved a little to see her, I know I was. Then while we were there, she found out that she could get to go home that evening; even better. Ahh, the weekend, it's supposed to be good right? WRONG! I worked all day Saturday, and Sunday. I ended up forgetting most of my homework, and the poem that was due for citing in front of the class. I actually did okay on it though, 99%. Finally, today. Allie's birthday was today, and I, the idiot that I am, wasn't able to finish the card in time - a lot of writing and thought went into it; so she'll get it soon. If you are reading this Allie,I really do apologize. Oh, and you should really check
this place out. It's about a time traveler from 2036. No kidding. He makes some freaky "predictions" too.