
Feb 08, 2012 01:56

Last Wednesday afternoon, my doorbell rang.  As soon as I stood up to answer it, I was hit by a massive charlie horse in my left calf.  Since I knew it was FedEx delivering my tablet (which had been back to Toshiba for warranty work on a wonky sound chip), I tried to hobble to the door before the driver left & my Precioussss disappeared into an enormous warehouse.

Bad move.  About 6 feet from the door, I fell & landed on my left shoulder & face.  It took about 5 seconds to realize the shoulder was dislocated, & another 5 minutes to get to my feet (look, ma, no more charlie horse!) & go get my cell phone.  The local ambulance crew showed up in gratifyingly short order & carted me off to the ER.[1.]  At some point, Steve arrived as well.  I was released a few hours later with a sling, some stitches above my eyebrow, & instructions to see my primary physician for followup.

The 1st appt. I could get for that was Monday.  The PA who saw me said I should be having less pain & more range of motion.  She called to get the x-rays the hospital didn't send to their office (despite me giving the ER the info) & got me in to see an orthopedist yesterday morning, who pointed out the fracture in the head of the humerus which was clearly visible in the x-ray -- & which nobody in the ER mentioned to me or Steve.  He also made noises about possible surgery & sent me off for an MRI.

I go back to the orthopedist on Friday to discuss his findings.  I'll probably know more then, but meanwhile we've already cancelled our trip to Boskone.  PT is definitely in my near future, along with lots of meds. Driving, though, is *not.*  Neither is LJing:  I've been working on this since Monday.

Stay tuned for the next thrilling chapter!

[1.]  And I still don’t know whether to be annoyed or glad that my insured-so-signature-required-for-delivery tablet was *sitting on my porch* when the EMTs arrived.
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