Anchovy, Pineapple, & Slitheen Deep Dish, Extra Large

Jul 11, 2010 02:46

I had a rather unsettling experience last evening. Provided you're a Doctor Who fan, that is. Everyone else should probably mosey along & check back a little later.

My husband stevemb & I went to California Pizza Kitchen for dinner with our friends the_sheryl  & gorgeousgary. While waiting for a table, we were all checking LJ on our phones. One post in my flist mentioned that it was the birthday of John Simm, the actor who plays the Master.

Not ten seconds later, the hostess called for "Saxon, party of 2!"

No, I couldn't spot him. He was probably using a perception filter to avoid being caught dining anywhere so proletarian on his birthday, of all days.

(Post title is the most evil pizza I could think of in roughly 5 seconds.)
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