Oct 07, 2004 01:53
i'm not sure where to start.
i wrote a sociology paper tonight and did a lot of elements homework. tomorrow howard dean is speaking at my school. i'm not sure weather or not to ditch my ballet class to see it or not. i probably will.
i think i need to get more involved at school. i'm joining Global Justice Project as soon as this play is over. But then what about swing club? i really wanna do that too. that would really fun.
i just got an email from candela and it made me so happy. i'm going to send her one as soon as i get out of class tomorrow. i'm not doing it tonight because i wnat to give myself a treat for after class tomorrow. isn't that weird? i'm treating myself to writing an email.
anyways, did i tell you that ms dubois asked my brother to be in mock trial? how awesome is that? its not the same as it was when we were in middle school when it was actually cool to do mock trial (or was i just a dork and i thought it was cool...) so he's not doing it but it's an honor to be asked by her! i'm really happy.
can someone update me with the academy?? please?
um...my english bloke and i have been talking like super losers through text messages.
i've been kinda down lately. its not super draining but kind of annoying. i don't really know what can get me out of this funk. i've tried a lot of stuff, i'm not being lazy like i was last year. its just a really damn good thing i'm in this play or else i might have had a break down this year already.
the play is going well. i get to act. i get to have a bosnian accent. it's all very cool. the people in the cast are fun though its nothing like the academy because people are much more serious about it and not as close with each other. though we just got this new guy in the cast who i have a super big crush on though we haven't spoken to each other. he's a drummer. good times.
um........pth. lin's birthday is on friday! yay.