april break

Apr 26, 2005 18:13


break last week was better than i thought it would be. besides job hunting and homework in the car (ecology = the cure for insomnia). i don't really feel like writing anything coherent, so here's a list of highlights.

1. i spent way too much money
2. i shot a gun *gasp!*
3. i drove a lot
4. i got 2 hours of community service
5. i went to brown for this program for accepted seniors aka pre-froshes. i got free ben and jerrys, heard amazing a capella, went to a REAL biology class and REAL chemistry class, signed up for too many club emails, ate really kick ass pizza, bought too much stuff from the bookstore, went to a cool hippy earth day fair, learned my way around some what and met some really cool people. for the most part, i'm quite excited for august 31st.
6. i went to nyc for a few days. ate really good hot dogs in central park. saw avenue q. hilarious. i'm actually really glad we couldn't get wicked tickets. went to the museum of modern art for the first time. was forced by my mom to spend too much time shopping but at least i got some stuff for graduation parties. somehow managed to wind up in a free taping for an hbo standup comedy show. that's what happens when you're walking around the village at night.
7. i spent a lot of time with my mom. for the first time in awhile, a enjoyed a vacation without the usual stresses associated with having my whole family there.
8. watched a horrible horrible bravo special with kevin. he has really bad taste.
9. went to a passover seder at the newman household. i loved it and i love the newmans and i love helene's food.

good times.

anyway, thursday night is the senior solo concert at 7:30. ariana, liz, jeremy, david, jonie, jennie and i are doing stuff and i know you think at least one of those people is cool so you better be there. also, for one night only, kyle souhrada will be playing 4 notes on his trumpet. don't miss it.
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