Apr 26, 2006 13:58
Well my computer has become even more decrepit. The screen is now being held together by duct tape. It's like this because: I opened my bag and it was popped. yeah. It's not a big shock. i think the right side hinge has been broken for a while since it creaked every time i moved the screen anyway, so ok. computer fixed.
The cat is becoming a huge nuisance when it comes to me attempting to sew. He's a nice kitty... sometimes, but he likes sitting on my pattern and my fabric. i'm not used to cats doing this. the cats at my parents avoid me when i'm sewing. maybe it's the loud music... but since 1) i'm not home alone and 2) jeff is SLEEPING, i'm not gonna play loud music. This means kitty is there... and kinda bugging me.
In other news, i still haven't found a new job. that means i've been without a full time job for 3 weeks. and i don't even know if my severance payment is at my parents. yuck.
Well I guess that's all...