(no subject)

May 29, 2010 02:31

I just changed my desktop, (a crop of this first one, NSFW but not explicit ) and also I cleaned off all the icons I'd been letting clutter it because for some reason firefox wants to save everything to my desktop instead of pictures to pictures and everything else to desktop --- and it's like, bwah, completely different. Like major change in color/composition/picture quality (previous desktop was a slightly fuzzy scan of two girls in a playboy vampire pictorial), and also erasing crazy amounts of desktop clutter. It's weird in a way I can't put my finger on, sortof like whenever I come over and I have all my crap minimized, I expect the image to change when I move the mouse, like it's only a screensaver.

(which reminds me that my Mac OS X screen burn made itself visible the other day. Most days I can't even see it unless I look really hard. I wonder why it seems to come and go? It's not like I'm refreshing the burn pattern with more of the OS X log-in thinger.)
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