2 - HP Fic Recs, Tumblrpurge, Brexit

Dec 06, 2018 21:33

Happy It's-Almost-Friday, everyone!

The last two days have been a huge headache, hence not posting. I had to download my Tumblr exports, which totaled 20GB and took ages. And that doesn't account for all the Likes I need to go back through. It makes me tired just thinking about it! Anyway, sorry, long post ahead.

H/D Fic Recs
Fic: Away Childish Things by
Author Summary: Harry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help him.
My Thoughts: This fic is 153k and I wasn't sure what to expect beyond the fact that this author is, in my opinion, trustworthy. And god, did this deliver. This isn't your typical de-aging fic. This was emotionally wrenching, allowed a relationship that was already forming to find a foundation of deeper mutual understanding, and provided a great, well-thought out mystery involving Auror!Harry and Potions Genius!Draco and magical organised crime! I loved it from beginning to end and would definitely recommend everyone read it.

Fic: Ways to Say I Love You by
writcraft (for Festive 500)
Author Summary: Harry says 'I love you.'
My Thoughts: This ficlet was painful and perfect. I don't want to spoil it. Just know that it's romantic and fluffy, yes, but a bit angsty and so realistic and you'll love it.

ETA: Snippet posted by
waldorph featuring awkward!H/D ♥

Fics to Read
The Kitchen Thieves (and the Kitchen Herself) (H/D) by Pie (potteresque_ire)
I have it on good authority from
irrevokable that I must run, not walk.

Finding Finally (Pansy/Luna) by
About to read! I'm a sucker for fashionista!Pansy.

1D: The 2018 Tomlinshaw Fic Exchange starts tomorrow and I AM SO READY!!!!!
1D: That Zayn song isn't my jam, was deliberately shit-stirring and I don't want to talk about it/him OR Louis's responding tweet that every morality-shipping dark larrie seems to be making about some forgotten X Factor contestant's insistence that "Elounor is real". Do not care. Bring me death.
Marvel: I'm sure you've all seen this, but Woo! New Captain Marvel trailer! (I'm coming off as a more hardcore MCU fan than I am, I've realised. Mostly I'm into Wonder Woman, Black Panther and am hoping this one's good, too.)
TumblrPurge: Fantastic post on Tumblr by Casey Fiesler about the Tumblr meltdown, adult content policies, LJ, fandom migration, etc. It includes links to her tweetstorm, a CNN article she was quoted in, and more.
Tumblrpurge: Here are some other articles about/related to Tumblrpurge and purity culture/morality shipping: Slate: "Why Did Fans Flee LiveJournal, and Where Will They Go After Tumblr?" & The Verge: The online free speech debate is raging in fan fiction, too
lettered also linked to a discussion post about ideal fannish platforms

Real World Diversion
UK Politics: According to Tumblr people, the entire UK Conservative Government has been found in contempt of Parliament. And according to The Guardian, yes, yes they really have. It's legit. "MPs passed a historic motion to hold the government in contempt over its failure to release the cabinet legal advice on the Brexit deal. The shadow Brexit secretary, Keir Starmer, said the government 'has lost its majority and the respect of the house.'" BOOM. It'll be interesting to see the fallout, if any.
Climate Change: The Guardian - 'Brutal news': global carbon emissions jump to all-time high in 2018 No comment. [Insert tired.gif]

Apparently I'm now influencing Meghan Markel's style (nbd) because she 100% bought the same Aritzia Cocoon Coat that I got on sale on Black Friday HA. Not saying I'm the next influencer, buuuutttt...

Christmas shopping with brosef tomorrow. We're going in on a present for dad, I have to find something for mom and nanny, and then that's it. I'm hoping it's an in-and-out deal. Can't wait for the day my cousins and I are in charge and phase out gifts.

tumblrpurge, fic rec: writcraft, fic rec: h/d, trailer: captain marvel, fic rec: potteresque_ire, fic rec: femslash, fic rec: harry potter, climate change, fandom: 1d, fic rec: pansy/luna, meta, fandom: mcu, politics, fic rec: spookwood, politics: uk, fandom: harry potter, fic rec: lettered

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