First post

Apr 30, 2007 20:52

I meant for my first post to consist of an intelligent-sounding, philosophical discussion.


I'll have to settle for a small-scale rant instead, inspired by the lovely people over at Sounis (they, of course, probably have no idea who I am, since I've not yet worked up the courage to post :-/).  The topic: "happily-ever-after."

In most cases, I hate happily-ever-after endings.  They're saccharine-sweet plot devices that have been brutally overused by authors and would-be authors everywhere, allowing the writer to escape from any chance of a sequel... meanwhile, they lull the reader into unrealistic idealism.  After reading an ending like that, I, for one, am usually unreasonably depressed at the abrupt almost seems as if the author quickly scribbled a perfect future life for the main characters so that he/she could easily ditch the story.

My dislike doesn't necessarily extend to the books or authors themselves...there are novels that I love and constantly reread which conclude with the Dreaded Phrase.  I'd be a hypocrite to do so, since I have myself *sheepishness* many times utilized the Phrase.  But I wish that loose ends could be tied up with a more original line.  Oh well.

I think my rambling has been distorted by a serious lack of sleep...  *yawns*  ....Good night.
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