Sep 21, 2005 13:00
Hey guys. I know that it has been forever and a day since I updated, but that is how busy I have been lately. Miller wwent off the deep end and I ended up getting hit a lot. So, I moved out. Up I have my very on place for the first time ever. School is going. It's really weird I think that I'm trying to make it harder than what it really is. I prepare like I'm going to take a test from Heiser, and then I get there and it is no where near as difficult. I miss all of my PC friends like crazy.
So far the downside to living on your own - kitchen sink leaks, shower leaks, refrig. went out (lost about $80 in food), and the contractors can't figure out how to hook up the cable.
The upside to living on your own - no family, landlord and neighbor are the coolest people ever, Stephen is worried about my cooking so he comes over everyday, or cooks something at work, or takes me out but I have yet to have to cook a single thing (which is nice).
That's about it for now. Talk to ya later....