(no subject)

Mar 14, 2005 09:40

I know I shouldn't have done it >< But.. yeah.. here's that suvey Dave did.. whah!
And forgive question 58 >< I dunno what got into me

1. If you could have your room expanded and transformed in shape so that it looks like a letter of the alphabet from an overhead view, what letter would that be?

I think maybe a Q.. and in the middle where the oval shaped place would be, I'd put a big deska nd teh tail part would be my closet^^

2. Would you give your favorite pet the ability to talk and understand humans if it had to cost one of their eyeballs?

How inhumane >< No way!

3. If you were to draw on a wall with your foot using a crayon blindfolded, what shape would it most closely resemble?

Um.. explain why I would be doing such an act... probably a sad attampt at a shooting/falling star..

4. If you were a carton of milk, who would the missing picture on your side be?

meow? matthew L..

5. What was the second thing you stepped on after getting out of bed today?

Paper >< craft projects >< maybe teh second thing I finally sepped on was teh floor.. o.O is that bad?

6. Turn directly to your left and focus at the first object you see there. Have you really given it the attention it deserves?

um.. it's a wall? and since I run into/fall into most of the ones ere, I think I give it too much attention -.-

7. What number most commonly comes up when you roll a thirteen sided dice, or what number do you think would come up most often?

something between 1-13...

8. Have you ever tried to do multiple strange things in order to open, get past, or get through a locked door for long periods of time without realizing that it was actually never locked?

O.O .... no -.-

9. What textbook would you most likely become when you grow up?

text means school... so... A grammar book of course^^

10. If you could fire a missile with a blast radius of exactly 50 yards onto any spot in the US, but it had a possible error rate of 500 yards in all directions, where would you fire it?

I would choose to not fire it at all, have it dismantled and destroyed^^ I like peace.

11. What American coin do you think you're most like?

Do I have to be american? I'd be a half dollar.. because it's unique, but not entirely uncommon^^

12. Can you spell Mr. Mzuplytknizeral's name if somebody only pronounced it and you didn't just read it now in this question?

Not correctly.. and not without trying a french way of doing it..

13. If you had to choose between living the life of Spongebob Squarepants or working as a cashier for 7-11 for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

Cashier doesn't sound too bad... free slurpees^^;;; XD

14. Approximately how many minutes of Dora The Explorer would you be able to watch in a row before you absolutely had to smack your head on something?

I dunno.. I loved watching Blue's Clues before.. maybe...

15. What part of your own self have you stared at the longest amount of time in your life?

my hands >< I get nervous a lot or shy or whatever and I'll fiddle with my hands or my nails ><

16. What part of your own self have you stared at the longest amount of time in the last four days?

either my hands or my legs >< I've been forced to wear shorts at home because it's getting a bit warm and I'm still amazed at how little I can tan ><

17. What is your favorite favorite, and then what is that favorite?

meow? I shall refrain from answering your vague questions until I am certain what it is you are talkign about...

18. When you hear the word "crayon", what does it mean to you personally?

I think of colours and then rainbows and then Jonno... is that bad? o.O

19. Heart attack or skin cancer?

um.. heart attack.. I can deal with that..

20. If there was a button in front of you labelled "arrog", would you push it?

I don't think so.. no..

21. You are sitting on the corner while waiting for your parent to pick you up from tennis practice when a guy in a limo comes up and offers you candy. Do you take it?

Tennis? um.. meow? no, no candy for me, but thank you^^

22. Cactus?


23. Will you advertise this survey, keeping in mind that this is made by a non-profit organization?

I'll put it in my lj, and if people read it.. then sure^^

24. Is the glass half empty, half full, or really not there at all because it's just a figment of your demented imagination?

I think my glass is a little stoo big... can I have a smaller one please?

25. If your favorite liquid is not water, would you like to take a 30-minute bath in it?

no thanks you^^

26. Does the idea of running down cherry avenue naked, with a potted daffodill in your arms, ketchup rolling down your face, and onions falling out of your backpack sound appealing to you?

if you're wearing a backpack then you aren't naked silly...

27. If you had the choice between being locked in a closet with Michael Jackson, Oprah Winrey, or George W. Bush for 72 hours who would it be?

Oprah^^ maybe I can get some cash out of her...

28. Has your appearance ever distracted somebody so much that they ever walked into something, and did that something ever have sharp edges?


29. If you were a racecar, would the prettiest part of you be your windshield, your tires, your dashboard, or your mirror?

um.. I dunno.. mirror or windshield maybe.. those are easy to clean^^

30. Would the hour, minute, or second hand on a clock best describe your personality?

can I be the tick it makes instead?

31. If you were forced to become a bottle of Pepsi, a bag of Doritos, or a package of ramen noodles, which would you pick? What flavor would you pick?

Ramen.. duh!

32. Would you rather be down here wishing you were up there, or up there wishing you were down here?

No matter where you are, things always look better at the other end of the spectrum.. so no matter where I was, I wouldn't necessarily be happy..

33. You finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. You give it a few seconds of thought. Is it really the light at the end of the tunnel, or a train speeding towards you?

I think it's a little kid playing with matches..

34. Did you ever try to feed something that did not actually have a working mouth?

you can feed plants... but when I was little I had a little dinosaur named Rex and he had an open mouth and a stomach.. but the mouth was all he had and he couldn't swallow anything, so I put an M&M in his mouth because I was playing (I was a little kid, back off ><) and I left teh room, and when I came back, it was gone.. so either he ate it even though he had no throat.. or someone was seriously messing with me... sorry ^^;;; I like that story..

35. Is your dog eating the CD for your favorite computer game, your bedroom rug somehow shrinking, your brother getting a 4.0 on his report card, the remote control incinerating, a screwdriver becoming lodged between your front teeth, and a sludge hammer somehow connecting with the back of your head grounds for calling it a bad day?

why? I would love if Boy got a 4.0 XD

36. Have you ever thought of somebody as the best person that could possibly exist in the world, and then at another time think of them as the person you'd most want to cut off their left arm with a sword in their sleep?

that's called love... isn't it? XD hehe! sorry.. couldn't help myself ><

37. Were you focused so much that you didn't realize "error" was misspelled on question 10?

it was? o.O *goes to check* wait a minute..

38. Did you actually go back to question 10 to look at the word "error", even though it wasn't actually misspelled?

... I hate you.. -.- more than Dave does... >< you, me, playground, recess... you're going down!

39. A person with the screenname "I laugh at Munchkins" IMs you. Do you accept, or do you take it as a personal challenge to your honor, being a six foot munchkin yourself?

I don't accept AIM from wierdos usually.. jsut my friends.. who are wierd enough for me^^;;

40. Have you taken at least four actual surveys like this before? If so, why?

I like surveys^^;;

41. Have you ever left a really crucial decision (such as if you should have a relationship with somebody or if you should choose a certain college) up to a magic 8-ball?

no... >< shoot.. maybe..

42. When in the shower, do you ever cup your hands to collect the water and then just let it all sorta drop?

XD yes! yes I do! But I don't care what you say! It's fun!

43. Was there ever a conversation you had on the phone with somebody where the other person would always talk about just one thing or person, and no matter how hard you attempted to change the topic, it didn't work?

-.- hi jeff..

44. Have you ever started or been in one of those chains at school where somebody stands outside the classroom door when it was not locked, causing all the students to also stand outside the door thinking it is, and watching the teacher's reaction when they come out 5 minutes later and wonder what everybody is doing?

... can you say Art class... shit >< I have an essay to write!

45. Hockey injury or roadkill?

Hockey injury.. becuase the person is still alive afterwards ><

46. About how many times a day do you re-adjust your pants?

depends on which ones..

47. Split or stay with two 9s against a dealer 7?

meow? can I go play poker now?

48. When listening to a song, do you ever switch your concentration to actually count each drum beat? If you have, what was the highest number you reached?

no.. just.. no..

49. What is your guess on exactly how many circuits your current computer has?

what's a circuit?

50. How many people do you know that have the letter "q" in their name?

if you put "queen" or "queer" somewhere in their name.. a lot XD

51. Does Hawaii really control the free world?

who said that?

52. How many things have you typed up and printed out on bright colored paper in hopes of blinding the teacher enough so that they can't read your paper without putting it under red light so they will be forced to give you an A?


53. ggnt or nrkr?


54. Have you actually gone into deep thought for at least 7 of these questions, forgetting that this is a mock survey?

.... no...

55. Did you ever stare up at the sky to see if it was raining and have a raindrop crash directly into your eye?

XD yes...

56. What's your eighth favorite food?

um.. hi^^

57. Is anything more frustrating than whittling your options down to just one or two mines remaining in Minesweeper, but it's impossible to determine which of the last few squares they're on, so you take a guess and lose?


58. If I didn't with the other one, have I driven the point across here that surveys like this are pointless and don't really do much besides eat time?

I think you're wrong.. I think that we, as people who take these surveys, are foolish enough to reach down into our beings for some of these questions to find answers we never thought we would. By seeing how people read these questions and choose to answer, we understand them a little more and we understand ourselves as well. We put things down that we never thought about, and certain questions cause us to think about things in a different light than we would have on our own. So no.. they don't just eat time.. *steps off her soapbox*

59. Did you ever have a dream where you realized you were in a dream, but still didn't wake up, so you were able to freely control every single part of that dream like some kind of supreme being?

maybe.. I dunno..

60. You just hit Pick A Corner. $1750, $1000 and a spin, or a trip to Rome?

is this a game? I'll spin again^^

61. Have you ever been hit on by somebody in special ed?

;_; that is so sad.. my mom helps with those kids.. *sigh* and yes.. he's a really sweet boy though... ><

62. If you could make the word "fish" stand for something else, what would it be?

I don't think I get Dave's response.. o.O but I don't think I want to.. ><

63. When was the last time you used a mirror to check if something was between your teeth?

I dunno.. yesterday?

64. Have you ever, even for just 5 seconds in your life, even in a dream, thought that you would eventually want to become a farmer?

YES! When I got Gordo, my ranbow coloured pig for my birthday! I decided to get a whole bunch on electronic child animals and make a farm with them XD ya can't say I'm not creative^^;;

65. If you had a nearly endless supply of silly putty, what would you first try to constuct with it?

Eiffel Tower.. duh

66. When you were younger, in any kind of game or competition, did you ever chastise somebody relentlessly when you realized they were either not trying or letting you win?

yes >< I do it now too.. ><

67. Favorite video game, book or movie that featured a hot dog being eaten?

XD I love Dave.. he's so funny!

68. Does the idea of going into the room of another family member while they're asleep, removing just one object from their room, and replacing it with an object from your own room once every night, sound entertaining?

no.. I fear the other room..

69. If you woke up one day with a bump on your head, who would you think attacked you?

something from my bookshelf..

70. Have you ever spent so long thinking about what you should do for the next hour that by the time you made up your mind, the hour was over?

all the time ^^

Thank you!
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