Mar 25, 2006 00:31
Just a quick post to let all my friends know I'm still around, but haven't gotten to reading my Friends page yet since I'm still battling this latest flare of my illness. But I definately plan to do it tomorrow! And I thought I'd make my point of view on our men and women in the military clear since I've posted a couple links to sites that question the integrity of our current administration. You all know I'm no stranger to ranting about what the administration is doing, or what Governor Terminator is currently doing. But despite that I have the utmost respect for our men and women in uniform, and am 100% behind them, no questions asked! They joined the military out of their love for our country and to preserve the rights that I and everyone else living in the USA have. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude for being willing to put their lives on the line for us. They follow orders, trusting that those orders are being given based on truth and honesty. Sometimes that isn't the case, but the troops can in no way be faulted for that. Whenever I see someone in uniform, on the rare occassion I'm out, I make it a point to personally thank them for what they are doing for me, my children, and the rest of the citizens of our country. Our men and women in uniform will have my respect, and I will have their backs 100% until my dying day! I owe them that.