*le sigh*

Apr 17, 2004 01:45

So I have been having much discussion lately about religion and faith and beliefs and God and it has just occurred to me that I would like to write this down the best that i can. It is probably easier to communicate through speeking since then I can ramble and all that jazz but I shall try my hardest. I think honestly that i am an extremely spiritual person but not insanely religious per say. I think that the whole idea of organized religion, while originally good in theory, eventually tends to get in the way of actual faith (for me at least). I think that religion is the way that you find God in this world and so not every religion will help every person to find that relationship with God. For me I like the idea of learning about all different religions and belief systems and finding the things for me that basically...taste right. These are the things that help ME personally to become closer to God, and if nothing else, to become a better person. This leads to one of my biggest problems with organized religion. It has become way to much about "believe this. this is right. that is not. if you dont think this than you are wrong." and I dont think that is right. No one can make you believe anything. And no one can ever believe the exact same thing as anyone else, since no two people are exactly the same. So religion for me is a personalized representation of the things that I feel bring me closer to God. They should also contribute to me being a better person and making the world in general a better place. This is in no way an excuse to be selfish and do whatever I want because that isnt going to bring we to a better place at all.
Another thing that I believe is that first of all believing in God shouldnt be something you need to prove it just needs to be something you feel inside and trust and just know it. just believe it. have faith.
And really when it comes down to it what harm has it done if we end up finding that there is no God, which I dont believe. Because if we are really putting our faith in God it will eventually make us a better person and no matter what, that is a desired effect.
Besides, I also most definetly feel that it does not matter what it is that you believe in, but what is important, rather, is that you just believe in something. It can be anything. For me it just works out to be in God. And thats what works for me. I have something to believe in and aim for and put my trust in. For many people that isnt the case and that is cool too as long as they have something to believe in. Hey I mean it could even be within themselves! It could be in the earth or the sky and beyond or even in a kitten for all that I know, but its just good to believe.
So Im sure I will be coming back to this again since I just have toooooo many thoughts and cant quite summarize them all at once.
Just try to do what feels right to you and respect the beliefs that others make because that is just what is right by them and attempting to make them change their beliefs is just wrong. And impossible by the way.
So YAY and Im gonna go to bed now!
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