Sep 29, 2004 17:49
Blake kissed me today. Just randomly came up and kissed me. Though i think he ended up kissing most braces was just so unexpected. I was caught so off guard i couldnt think straight for the rest of the day....but it was nice. hehe, he even apologized like 50 times....i ruined his perfect moment. hehe....
i miss my mother so much. Today more than most. Its just been so long since ive seen her, lived with her...june. its been a long time. i miss my home. my REAL home. With her.Today i was at wal*mart, i passed an aisle and came across ovaltine..made me think of my mom, always trying to choose the healthy way for us..and i just...suddenly found myself in tears over it. Blah. This house, it just...doesnt feel like a home.
And emma's grounded. I miss her so much. i feel like im gonna die i miss her so much. Its weird not having her there for every minute of my life. I now realize just the depth of a difference shes made to me...i love that girl so much.
..and well, missing danny...i dont even have to say anything about that. I just simply do. I think i always will...
I hate the ache...
So, i was watching Oprah today. Drew Berrymore was on the show, talking about some big search she went on to find for herself why young people didnt vote. And that just got me thinking. You know, if younger people all would just put as much effort into voting as senior citizans(sp?), there would be such a big difference. A lot of people dont care, but they should, we should, it makes our home. So who are you guys personally for? Kerry or Bush? And lemme know why!!!!