Sep 30, 2007 00:25

Okay, I have no qualms against this, partly because I know many of your guys are icon makers just like I am and if you're like me, you grow by competing in the icontests and other such things.

So, even though I'm like crazy busy, I signed up for a new LIMS, and I just want to send you guys over, too!

Watson LIMS, Last Iconmaker Standing featuring the talented Emma Watson (Hermione Granger from the Potter movies)! Each week, a challenge will be made and you are given five days to complete it. At the end of the week, an anonymous voting process begins as we begin our harrowing journey to find the Last Iconmaker Standing!

rules, sign up, skip post, pimping, credit

AND! This one is mine:

The idea is to create an extended competition, much like a LIMS (last icon maker standing), but without an elimination at the end of each challenge. So, having an off week? No problem! Your score from the other weeks will boost you up and you don't have to worry about that "off" icon getting you kicked out.

Interested? this way!
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