Title: Hard Journeys 1/1
Author: Sweetness (aaronlisa@gmail.com)
Pairings: None
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Joss Whedon & company.
Notes: Written for challenge #87 for livejournal’s open_on_Sunday
1. Spike, post-Not Fade Away
Spike had a long journey in front of him, one that he wasn’t looking forward to. He didn’t really want to go to Rome and tell Buffy what had happened. He wasn’t even sure if she knew that he was alive or not. However, he did know that she was going to be furious. Not only did he have to tell her that he was alive, but that he was now a human, since Angel had signed away his chance to Shanshu, and that Angel was dead. It broke his heart but someone had to tell her about Angel’s death.
2. Faith, Post-Chosen
Faith had decided to not go with the rest of Buffy’s gang to England to rebuild the Council. She might be a free woman because of the legal strings that Wesley had pulled, but she knew that her redemption didn’t lie with the Council. Instead her path lay in front of her, going from town to town-slaying demons and vampires. It was a lonely journey but one that she had known that she would have to take. She wasn’t doing it just for her redemption, but for the people that were out there that needed someone to protect them.