DA FIC: Unspoken Words 1/1, FR13, Max/Alec

May 19, 2007 23:41

Title: Unspoken Words
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Max/Alec, mention of Max/Logan
Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and company.
Prompts: fic_variations - sweet
Word Count: 919
Notes: Set during “Love Among the Ruins.”
Summary: Alec takes Logan’s words very seriously even if they’re based on a lie.

As Original Cindy left the table, Max waited for Alec to gloat about how he had set the record straight with Logan earlier when he had dropped off the equipment. But as she looked into his clear green eyes as he told her what had happened, she felt a piece of the resentment she held for him melting. She wondered what would have happened if things between them had started differently, if she hadn’t met him inside of Manticore and if he hadn’t been Ben’s clone. Maybe she would have felt differently towards him and maybe she wouldn’t have seen him as a potential enemy. As it was, his reluctance to be honest with Logan made Max see him in a different light. Before she could say anything, he had noticed the writing on her wrist.

Her eyes widened in horror as the writing seemed to magically appear on her arm and a quick check of Alec’s arm told them that the ancient runes were only on her flesh. For once, Max let Alec take charge of the situation. Her fear and worry over what was happening to her now, combined with her sadness over Logan, seemed to immobilize her.

It was Alec who thought that Logan might be able to help them figure out what was happening to her, and she meekly followed him back to Terminal City. Once they had talked to Logan, where Max had forced herself to come across as strong and confident, she let Alec take charge again.

That night, she let him take her to his apartment because she just couldn’t bear the thought of Original Cindy fussing over her and worrying over the strange runes on her skin. She gave Alec a wan smile as he fussed over her. It was a side of him that she was surprised to see and although she found it sweet, it was starting to grate on her nerves.

“Stop!” Max exclaimed.
“Stop what?”
“Fussing over me like I’m some delicate flower.”
“I promised Logan that I’d take care of you.”
“Because he thinks that you and I are an item.”
“No Max, I promised him that I’d take care of you, because I respect him. It doesn’t matter that he thinks you and I are together, I still made him a promise that I intend on keeping.”

Max rolled her eyes in disbelief as she sat down on the sofa. She cradled her head in her hands and she wished for the simplicity of Lydecker hunting her again. Things had become too complicated since she had agreed to work with him to bring down Manticore.

“I didn’t tell him the truth because I couldn’t break him like that,” Alec quietly stated as he sat down beside her. “He loves you Max and I couldn’t tell him that you were lying to him because you’re trying to run away from him because you’re afraid.”
“But you don’t gain a thing from this situation.”
“I stopped doing things purely for gain a few months ago.”
“Sure you did,” Max replied in disbelief.
“I’m not saying that I don’t have my moments, but you and Logan have taught me that life’s not just about looking out for number one.”
“How sweet and touching,” Max mockingly said.
“I’m tired of being painted the villain in the melodrama that is your life. If I were such a bad guy, I would have sold you out to the highest bidder a long time ago. That goes for both Logan and Joshua. But I haven’t and I am not about to. If you can’t see that by now, Maxie, then that’s your problem.”

Alec stood up and stared down at her. She could tell that there was something else that he wanted to tell her but for some reason he wouldn’t or couldn’t say it. Instead he made his way to his bedroom where he slammed the door shut. Part of her wanted to go to him and admit to him that she knew he wasn’t the enemy, but in the end she held herself back. If she went to Alec now, she knew that she’d be lost. It was easier for her and less complicated, if she let him believe that she still saw him as the bad guy.

Instead of going to him, she laid down on the couch and stared up at the brown watermarks on the ceiling. She wondered why her life had become so complicated. Logan had been more than enough of a complication for her and now she had Alec. They were both as different as night and day, and right now she wanted to be with Alec. She wanted nothing more than to go to his room and let down all of her barriers that she had carefully erected. At the same time she felt guilty for even thinking about doing that, it was as if she was betraying Logan even though he believed that she and Alec were a couple.

Max sighed as she stood up; there was no point in staying put when she knew that she wasn’t going to get any sleep at all that night. She decided to pay the mysterious C.J. a visit to see what he had wanted and to see why he had pretended to be an X5 and had sought them out in Terminal City. It was better than staring up at the ceiling and wondering how she was going to fix her messed up love life.


dark angel, max/alec, fic_variations

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