FIC: On The Run 1/1, FR13, no pairings (SPN-fic)

Apr 28, 2007 23:29

Title: On the Run
Author: Aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Dean Winchester, John Winchester
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and company.
Prompts: life/death for fic_variations
Notes: Pre-Pilot
Summary: John deals with the fact that Dean is growing up to be just like him.

When Dean and Sam had been younger, it had been easier for John to lie to himself when it came to their futures. When they had been younger and smaller, he could keep alive Mary’s dreams for the boys. He could look at them and tell himself that they wouldn’t follow in his footsteps. It wasn’t until the summer of 1990, when Dean was eleven years old that John’s illusions shattered and he realized that the boys would be forced to follow in his footsteps.

It had all started out innocently enough with a hunt on the first day of the boys’ summer vacation. Everything had started to go wrong when John’s friend had bailed out of the trip, and John had given into Dean’s pleas to join him on the hunt. It was supposed to be a simple salt and burn to get rid of a vengeful spirit. Once John and Dean had gotten to the abandoned and haunted cabin, John realized that just how difficult the case was since they were dealing with two angry spirits.

His pride had flared up, as his eldest son seemed to hold his own as they searched for the grave. And it had seemed to John that they would make it out of the cabin without any harm. They probably would have if Dean’s shotgun hadn’t suddenly jammed while John had been digging up the grave underneath the rotting floorboards. The angry spirits used this moment of weakness to attack and Dean had been thrown across the room. John had immediately dropped his shovel and picked up his own shotgun. By the time he could fire without hitting Dean, the spirits had thrown his son across the room two more times.

Afterwards John never really remembers how he managed to salt and burn the grave while Dean laid unconscious on the rotting floorboards. Once he was done, he had gathered Dean’s body into his arms and had rushed him to the nearest hospital. He had been relieved that his son didn’t have a broken bone but he knew that the bruises had attracted unwanted attention.

As he took in the site of Dean’s wan smile as he lay in the hospital bed, John knew that his eldest son would never escape the life that had been thrust upon him. Even at the tender age of eleven, Dean was already starting to display the signs of the man he would eventually become. If Mary had lived, John didn’t doubt that Dean would have followed his own footsteps into the Marines. But Mary hadn’t lived, some demon had destroyed her, and John knew that Dean would wind up living a life where death was always chasing him down. A life where he would probably be living on the wrong side of the law as he drifted from one small town to the next. A life in the shadows and on the run from the law and the monsters that he hunted, and for one bleak moment John wished that he could just walk away from his son so that he could have a chance at a better life.


john winchester, dean winchester, supernatural, fic_variations

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