Title: Chained
AaronlisaRating: FR13
Pairing/characters: Willow Rosenberg / Spike
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: Written for the giant pairing list at
Notes: Set during BtVS Season Four.
Summary: He sees something in her that no one else does.
None of the others think that he listens to them but he does, after all what else is supposed to do when he’s either chained up in the bathtub or tied to a chair. It’s as if they believe that the chip in his head has not only neutered him but had also taken away all of his vampiric-enhanced senses. He knows how they all complain about Willow and her grief over being dumped by her boyfriend. And unlike the rest of them, he can truly understand the pain that she’s suffering from. After all, he knows what it’s like to have the love of your life run off with someone who’s inferior to you. For the life of him, he can’t understand why the werewolf wouldn’t want to be with Willow. She’s everything that a man or a werewolf or a vampire could want in a woman. She’s soft and kind and generous and very easy on the eyes. And beneath all the baggy sweaters, girlish clothes, and innocent demeanor, Spike can sense something else about the shy young woman. A hint of danger and magic that’s just waiting for the right person (or vampire) to unleash it and Spike would give anything just for one taste of Willow. Yet he’s bound both by the chains that the Slayer uses to keep him imprisoned but also by the infernal chip in his head that prevents him from destroying her pathetic friends and taking what he wants from her.