FIC: Impurity 1/1, FR15, Angel/Drusilla

Jul 23, 2006 12:13

Title: Impurity 1/1
Author: Sweetness
Pairing: Angel/Drusilla
Rating: FR15 (torture)
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Written for 50_darkfics for prompt #9 (branded). Set during BTVS Season Two.
Summary: Drusilla tortures Angel for abandoning her.

He refused to make a sound for her; if he did it would be like letting her win. And even though he had rejected his child a long time ago, Angel refused to relinquish any power to her. She gave him a smirk that was worthy of Angelus, and he knew what Drusilla was planning to do to him. Somewhere inside of him, his demon howled in anger and outrage, yet Angel fought to remain in control of the situation. He would let his wayward child torture him, but he refused to let her break him regardless of the inventive tricks she had up her sleeve. She would soon realize that he had taught her all of those inventive tricks that she had up her sleeve several lifetimes ago. As she sat the vial of holy water down in his line of sight and started to don the heavy gloves, he knew that she was about to play with a holy item just to intensify the pain. His eyes briefly flashed yellow at the sight of the silver cross in her hands.

“Is that the best you got, darlin’? You, of all people, should know that crosses don’t terrify me. Don’t you remember how I defiled you on the very altar in front of you God?”
”I do, Daddy, but I’m not trying to scare you. The stars told me that you left me because you forgot whom you belonged to. This is just to remind you,” Drusilla cooed as she placed the cold metal against his chest.

Angel twisted in pain as the crossed burned against his skin, reminding him of his impurity, despite the soul. It didn’t matter that he was working his way towards redemption or that he fought on the side of good, he was still an impure demon. She lifted the cross off of his skin with a demented smile curved upon her lips, before she poured the vial of holy water on the burn, his throat tightened as he held in the scream that threatened to be release. It felt as if his chest was on fire, especially in the area where the cross had burned its shape into his flesh, yet he still refused to scream for her. He might be an impure demon despite his good intentions, but he still knew what would happen if he relinquished his control to her.


buffyverse, angel(us)/drusilla, 50_darkfics, angel(us)

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