Title: The Monday Blahs 1/1
Author: Sweetness
Pairing: Catherine/Nick
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: CSI belongs to Jerry Bruckheimer, CBS and company.
Notes: Written for
stagesoflove for the five working days challenge: Monday. Also written for
csi50 for prompt #18, set 2 (denial). Set during CSI Season Five.
Mondays were always the hardest day of the week to get through, especially when there was a rumor going around the lab about their relationship. Neither Catherine nor Nick had planned to have a relationship, it had just happened. However, it wasn’t something that they wanted to deal with when they were working on a triple homicide. Yet it still seemed that their co-workers would rather discuss the relationship than the case. It was the last thing that either of them wanted or needed when Ecklie was watching Grissom and his team. All that they could do was deny their relationship and focus on their work.
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