FIC: The Resurrection of a Slayer 1/1, FR13

May 14, 2006 16:07

Title: The Resurrection of a Slayer
Author: Sweetness
Pairing: Angelus/Faith interaction
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Written for joss100 for prompt #37 (resurrection). Set during ATS Season Four.

As Faith stared into the familiar face, she felt as if she had been resurrected. She knew what her mission in life was and she wasn’t about to back down from it anymore. Although she would prefer to bring Angelus in alive, Faith knew that she wouldn’t hesitate killing him if it came down to that. She had been resurrected into a true Slayer through Angel’s guidance and Faith refused to let her and Angel’s efforts go to waste by refusing to fulfill her sacred duty because of sentimentality or because she couldn’t separate Angel from Angelus. Despite the physical body, the vampire in front of her wasn’t Angel; all she needed was one look into the empty brown eyes to see that. There was no way that she could or would confuse them so she smirked at the vampire as he taunted her. Faith was going to enjoy bringing the psycho down.


buffyverse, joss100, faith

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