Title: An Imposter
Author: Sweetness
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and company.
Notes: Written for
au100 for prompt #18 (green). Set post-war.
Hermione wasn’t quite sure what she had expected when she had walked into Professor Snape’s former chambers at Hogwarts. Perhaps she had been expecting her former Professor to materialize out of thin air and berate her for thinking that she could take over his position at the school. Or perhaps she was expecting something done in the lurid greens and silver colours of his house. However she was pleasantly surprised to find the room done tastefully in cream and brown with dark wood furniture. It made her wonder how much of Professor Snape was a mask that he wore to hide his deception and who was the real man.
She had been unprepared to return to Hogwarts following the death of the Dark Lord and the subsequent fall of his Death Eaters, but there had been a shortage of people with the ability to teach the newest arrival of students. Minerva McCongall had personally sought out Hermione to teach potions since there was no one else who had survived the war that either matched Hermione’s talent or had wanted the job. Especially since the job came temporarily attached with the role of the Head of Slytherin, something that still made the normally confident young woman extremely nervous. Following the fall of the Dark Lord, everyone had taken a dim view of Slytherins, and there had been some that had wanted to put the entire blame of the war on the ancient House. Although Hermione hadn’t done so, she couldn’t help but feel apprehensive about being in charge of Slytherin, where so many of her tormentors had been sorted into.
Part of her wondered what Professor Snape would do if he found out that particular fact. She could just imagine his outrage and she didn’t doubt that it would exceed his outrage as her position as his replacement. As she sat at his desk and looked around her, Hermione couldn’t help but feel as if she was an imposter. For a moment, she truly expected Professor Snape to come charging into the room with his black robes billowing out around him and his face twisted in rage as he demanded that she remove herself from his chambers. She steepled her fingers underneath her chin as she felt a rush of nervousness over her ability to fill the shoes left behind. Yet, in a matter of days, she would have to fill those shoes whether she wanted to or not. Instead of the comforting gold and red, she would have to become used to the cold green and silver of Slytherin.