This is one word over one hundred. And it was also written for the drabble request post that can be found
Title: Bittersweet
Author: Sweetness
Pairing: Horatio/Marisol
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: CSI: Miami belongs to Jerry Bruckheimer and company.
Notes: Set during the current season of CSI: Miami. Written for
Their kisses were chaste yet passionate at the same time. The two of them had found something incredibly amazing with each other despite their differences in age and outlook in life. She looked at him with such love in her eyes that made him want to do anything for her. Horatio had given lost all hope that he would ever find someone who could love him as much as Marisol did; yet he had found her. Now he had to accept the fact that in short period of time, he would lose her. It made their kisses taste bittersweet to him.