Title: Last Moments 1/1
Author: Sweetness
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and company.
Notes: Written for
au100 for prompt #52 (fire.)
Severus Snape doesn’t really take in the fact that the world seems to be in flames as the war rages on around them. His entire focus is on the pale girl in his arms. They both know that she is dying from the wounds that some Death Eater had inflicted on her. There is no magic or potion that could save her life, there’s probably no chance that muggle medicine could either, since the wounds are too deep. He holds her in his arms with a gentleness that most people would not believe he could possess. He soothingly whispers gentle words to her so that the burden of her death will be easier for her. And he wishes that one of her precious friends were there with her instead of him, since they would be able to comfort her more than he ever could. In these moments, Snape feels an inadequacy that he thought impossible, especially with the life that he had lived.
However his wishes are useless since she only has him so he does the best he can. He makes promises that they both know are impossible. Promises that she’ll make it through this and that she’ll live to see Harry Potter named the hero of the wizarding world and so on. He does his best to not act as her feared Potions Master, but he still is incapable of telling her of his true emotions for her since it is still inappropriate because even now she is still his student. Instead of telling her how he feels, he holds her in his arms and he clumsily attempts to comfort her while it seems that the world is on fire as both sides continue to battle one another to the death.