Four Open on Sunday Drabbles...

Nov 07, 2004 17:26

Title: Illness

Author: Sweetness (
Pairings: None really, mention of Fred/Wes & Spike/Buffy

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: It all belongs to Joss Whedon & company.

Notes: four drabbles written for the LJ community Open on Sunday, for November 7th, 2004.

1. Wesley’s POV, ATS Season Five

He knew that the others looked at her as if a sickness had devoured her and taken away the girl they loved and replaced her with a demon they despised. And although he had been there and seen the symptoms while the demon slowly ate her away through Fred’s pure essence, he didn’t despise Illyria. Perhaps because she was all he had left of his beloved Fred. Maybe he was the sick one; after all he wanted to keep her around so that he could keep something of his lost lover with him. But he had already lost so much.

2. Buffy’s POV, BTVS Season Six

Buffy knew that she was sick, after all why else would she keep going back to Spike. She knew what she was doing was wrong. Not just because he was the soulless demon that she kept telling herself that he was. But because of the fact that she was using him to feel something, and she knew that she didn’t need violent sex with Spike to feel something. She kept going back because he let her come back and she was addicted to the power she had over him. How could she say that she was any better than Willow?

3. Willow’s POV, BTVS Season Six

Willow was walking the streets of Sunnydale, desperately trying to find the newest location of Rack’s hideout. She needed a hit and she needed it bad, and at that precise moment she didn’t care about what her friends thought. She was tired of waking up lonely and sick every morning. She was tired of making her way through another day of shaking, vomiting and accusations. Willow wanted another hit to just feel alive again. It wasn’t her fault that no one understood how sick quitting magic made her feel, she had to believe that if they knew they’d be different.

4. Spike’s POV, BTVS Season Six

Spike had decided that he wasn’t going to wait for Buffy to find him again. It was another night and he knew that she would be there and they would have violent and painful sex. But not tonight, not if he could help it. He had to realize that if he waited for her again and let her beat on him and use him to feel something, that he was only making himself worse. It was like some addiction and he had to break free of it. It was killing him slowly, destroying the pure love he felt for her.

buffyverse, spike, wesley wyndham-pryce, buffy summers, willow rosenberg, open_on_sunday

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