Title: Forgotten Once Again
Author: Sweetness (
Pairing: none
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Written for
fanfic100 for prompt #91 (birthday.) Set post-Chosen.
It wasn’t until her birthday that Faith finally realized why the new Watcher’s Council had sent her to keep an eye on the inactive Hellmouth in Washington. She realized that it was to make sure that she wouldn’t and couldn’t cause too many problems for them to clean up, especially if she turned bad again. It was a place where she was isolated, and few demons came to an inactive Hellmouth. It was also a place where they could send her and then forget about her. As she made a half-hearted attempt to do her patrol in the rain, Faith felt lonely and unloved once again. And part of her made her miss the Mayor; at least with him she had never felt the feeling of being forgotten.
Title: Escape
Author: Sweetness (
Pairing: none
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Written for
fanfic100 for prompt #90 (home). Set pre-BTVS Season Three.
Faith’s house was not a home; instead it best resembled a war zone where her parents constantly fought. She wished that she could blame something for the violence that was an everyday occurrence but she had nothing to blame. Instead her parents were simply both unhappy people who refused to get divorced because of their devout Catholic faith. They refused to accept the fact that their daughter was often put in the middle of their volatile tempers. Her parents, instead, fought continually and tried to win their daughter over to their individual sides. When she found out that she was a Slayer, she felt relieved. Being a Slayer offered her a chance to escape her parents, and she grabbed at it with both hands.