SO, I'm in the middle of nowhere right now because Easter is "family time." The middle of nowhere=WV-gma's house.....but she did upgrade from dial-up to wireless this past Christmas so woohoo!
Anyway, because I'M AN OLD WOMAN I had to change the font on m computer and now it's all big and readable and my eyes love me.
I'm writing fic guys! Like actively writing. See! There at the bottom. That's my Mary Ann fic. And then my IDEAS! I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS AND THEY ALL INVOLVE AU AND WHAT IS MY BRAIN EVEN! WHAT IS MY LIFE!
And in case you need something to read and even if you don't YOU NEED TO GO READ THIS FIC RIGHT NOW, OKAY! Because I am not a fan of the bottom!steve, but this, THIS is so amazing and so perfect and so hot! I DON'T EVEN. BREATH, HEART RATE WHAT ARE YOU? Also it was rec'd by
queenklu at some point, somewhere.
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