Aug 02, 2009 16:08
Not a lot to say today. So far, even after drinking lots of water and eating food, I am still at the goal weight I set for myself for this weekend. But I can’t stop. I MUST keep losing weight. I’m looking forward to fasting Monday and Tuesday. I need to run a few errands today and pay bills (shit, I really need internet, I have GOT to get my internet set up and working at home.) I will be thin I will be thin I will be thin. Not a lot to say today.
Today was also the second time I’ve practiced with my church’s band-yay! I am excited to be singing with them and for this. And, Deb (Kirk is the pastor and Deb is his wife) asked me help do the music with Clarissa for the women’s retreat. Until that moment, I hadn’t really thought about going… but I felt so excited about that! It’s so great to be singing again, and I am really confident about this-I know I’m not the next American Idol and that’s okay, I don’t need to be. I know that I have a nice voice, and that usually I sing on key and that’s all I need to be happy with music in my life!
I’m pretty tired-I slept all afternoon! And I’m feeling kind of hungry now… thank goodness I don’t have any food in the house. I would eat something little, except I don’t know how much I’ve eaten so far. Sooooooo glad to be fasting tomorrow (yay, and Tuesday)!!! I WILL be down another 5 lbs by Saturday morning. I can’t wait!