"I think I'm doing this wrong...Is it supposed to look like a sick cow sleding?" -Christina

Dec 11, 2003 15:02

I wanted to go over Jessica's today but no. Her daddy is being a mean old guy.

And he's not even old enough to be a mean old guy yet!

The nerve of some people.

Time for!

Real Conversation Theatre
There is this girl who was acting all special before 3rd hour. She came and we were all crowded around the classroom door because someone was inside taking a test. Our teacher had just colored his hair and some of them were talking about it.

Girl (in mean snobby, i'm-better-than-everyone-else tone): How about we all just go in the classroom instead of stand out here talking about his hair...

Me: There's someone in there taking a test.

Girl (a bit let down): Oh.

Yeah...You really should know what's going on before making snide remarks.


Today is really starting to suck. I'm gonna ask mom for a Llama for Christmas.

Llamas are so cool.
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