(no subject)

Feb 02, 2012 15:19

visited 29 states (58%)
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Not bad. I'm about to embark on a trip that will hopefully get some of the southern states in, when
gollumgollum and I run away to Memphis together.

The last few days have been better. My job officially ended yesterday, with another 9.5 hour shift of boxing up books, followed by drinks with my coworkers. We went to the diviest dive bar I've been to in Chicago, right downtown. It reeked of cigarettes, proving that there's still a few places in Chicago where the no-smoking law is ignored. There was an impromptu Soul Train line, one of many, from what I've heard. (For those who hadn't heard, Soul Train's host, Don Cornelius, killed himself earlier this week.)

Today I'm home, with nothing in particular to do. I baked some bread with bits of prosciutto in it, am catching up on Once Upon A Time, which I just love to hate on, don't ask me why. Tomorrow I have... a job interview. At a bookstore. I feel a little ambiguous about it, since I was looking forward to some time off working, but I figure it's kind of asshole-ish to complain.

working sucks, travel, baking

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