
Nov 16, 2011 17:22

Driveby posting!

Things whut I wrote:
-Talkin' 'Bout My Generation. A short essay for, by, about, and in defense of my demographic, which certain people have taken to calling "the Millenials".

-Chai Means Tea: Defending My Foray Into Food Snobbery. In which I blather about cultural appropriation, colonialism, and shitty tea lattes. Includes a recipe for really good chai.

Things I'm doing:
-Writing the next chapter of In Medias Res. NO REALLY I MEAN IT. God, this fic is so close to being done.
-Possibly writing an Inception bookshop AU, as a reward to myself for not quitting my job despite having to shelve 8034294301 copies of James Patterson books every week. My hatred for the James Patterson Novel Factory (TM) knows no bounds.
-Writing a sequel to that Logan Fixes Everything fic, with stupid boys being stupid and in love, and showing it by acting like assholes. MY FAVORITE. Will also include rock collecting and astral projections.
-Writing a review of a punk rock bakery in my neighborhood. Next time anyone wants to visit Chicago, I am taking your ass here. They have an entire shelf of DALEKS, okay? And there's a TARDIS on their mural. I don't know when Doctor Who became co-opted by punk rockers, but it has and it makes me happy.
-Plotting roadtrips with gollumgollum, all because I got a really bad craving for Voodoo Donuts in Portland, OR.
-Probably dropping out of Big Bang. I might come back to that fic, because it's hilarious and amazing as a premise, if not in actual execution. I have not worked on it in, oh, six weeks? D:
-Working full time. Ugh. I hate working. (See above note about James Patterson.) (But on the plus side, I will soon be able to pay back my roommate AND have enough money for a new tattoo.)
-Attempting to eat only homemade bread. Going pretty well so far. (Hamburger buns don't count, right?)

Things you should be doing:
-Reading this amazing fic by paperclipbitch It's RPS, which isn't everyone's cup of tea; hell, it's not my cup of tea. Just ignore the names attached to it, if so. Seriously, it's worth it. (Warnings for trigger-prone folk: this is a fic about addiction.)

working sucks, writing, fanfiction, baking, fandom is awesome

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