(no subject)

Oct 13, 2011 23:01

Man, today was the day of Getting Shit Done. I made breakfast, deposited some checks, went to the social security administration office (a 90 minute wait to get a replacement card, which took all of three minutes, for fuck's sake), did laundry, went grocery shopping, baked some cookies while listening to Pansy Division, cleaned my room/organized my closet, and read a good chunk of The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood.

I did not write a single word today. It feels weird and kind of... shameful? I'm struggling through some weird writing blocks at the moment. Part of it is stress-related, and with the new job and the recent trips around the Great Lakes and to Vermont, I've been hella busy. So all the fanfic has had to take a backseat, and it's a struggle not to feel guilty about it.

I'm trying to figure out ways to balance my job (which I don't really like), my writing (which I love, but pays nothing/next-to-nothing), and my social life (which I need to keep sane). So far, all of my scenarios end with me only sleeping about 5 hours a night, which I really can't do indefinitely. Boo.

I've decided that November is going to be my month of Writing All The Things. I'd like to get In Medias Res finished by December, at the very least, and there's my Big Bang to consider as well. I also have ambitious plans to complete some (original) short stories. I figure I can tap into some of the NaNoWriMo energy that'll be going on, and try to either finish two WIPs that have been languishing for several months on my hard drive, or to pound out a new one that's been simmering in the back of my brain for a few months. Would anyone be interested in reading those?

Lastly (because I have to get up for work in 6 hours, FML), I wanted to announce that anatsuno has created an amazing podfic version of Skin Deep. Go forth and listen to it, for it is brilliant.

writing, muse ranting, fanfiction, blah blah blah, links, fandom is awesome

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