When it rains, it pours. And sometimes hails.

Jul 06, 2011 08:42

Sweet sassy molassy, it's been a busy week. I mean, there was the epic burrito and an equally epic hangover yesterday, not to mention seeing Fellowship of the Boobs (a D&D and LoTR burlesque, which was fucking AWESOME) at Gorilla Tango Theater. That's usually all the excitement that I get in one week. But no, this is determined to be the epic week of awesome shit.

First, thanks to all who crossed fingers and sent secular prayers my way this weekend. I got the job! I start my new job as a shop wench on Monday, for a company that rents out and sells lighting equipment. If it's not exactly what I wanted to be doing, it's pretty dang close, and probably the best pay I could hope for as an entry level in the theater industry. Also, HEALTH AND DENTAL INSURANCE. So hurray, I should be out of my financial rut sometime soon. Hopefully before rent is due.

I have also been invited to become a contributor not at one but TWO online magazines. I am now a political columnist at And Magazine, and am writing an article about urban agriculture for the Chicago-based Gozamos. I'll link here if and when anything I write goes live.

I'm thrilled to be writing for Gozamos in particular. The editor told me, in an email, that she "freaking LOVED" my writing style. Do you have any idea how effing amazing that is to hear after getting nine million dry rejection notices? OH MY GOD, VALIDATION, HOW I'VE MISSED YOU. Also, urban farming! Subject of my heart! *swoon*

Is that not enough awesomeness for one week? Well, how about this: I finally finished that Cold War Spy AU fic that I've been banging my head against for the last few months. It's in beta-land at the moment, but jesus fuck, it's so nice to finish something. The final word count was 12,700, for fuck's sake. I have lost any grasp I have on the concept of brevity, apparently. To fill the gap in my list of WIPs, I started rewriting that Inception/Fifth Element fusion for ae_match. And there's still In Medias Res, which I've been plugging away at.

AND STILL, THE AWESOMENESS CONTINUES. Tonight is Funk and Soul night at a nearby club, with no cover charge and, I'm told, great dancing. Tomorrow, gelbwax is going to attempt to eat a death-by-cheese burrito while I cheer her on, and then we're off to a Harry and the Potters concert.

Seriously, what is my life? How did this happen?

writing, chicago, living is easy, theater, unemployment kinda sucks, nerdery, working doesn't always suck

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