Not a very eventful day.

Jan 31, 2007 05:20

Well, nothing earth shattering happened today. I spent most of my time in front of the computer. I'm starting to get more serious about growing my own herbs and making potions. I've experienced with it a little, but I really want to master it. I really do feel that herbs hold magical qualities, and it would be ashame to let that knoledge fade with things of old. I believe they are called kitchen witches who do things with herbs and make potions.

At the moment I'm trying to collect books and anything that will help me learn everything I can. I'm finding it hard not having some one help me understand some of this stuff. So a lot of it I'm sorting threw it to make things easier on me, and depending on a lot of inner guideance. I did know a girl who went to my school that practiced wicca. She wasn't understood. So she was made fun of quite often. I wonder if I could get back in touch with her.

Sorry for lack of anything else to say of interest, but I haven't slept yet, and this potion stuff has really been going threw my mind today. Everybody take care. Sorry Val I missed your call. I'll call you this weekend.
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