Persona Information [OOC]

Sep 07, 2012 19:45

Sétanta is the given name of the Irish Folk Lore hero Cú Chulainn. The story of his birth goes something like this: His mother stayed in a home where the lady of the house gave birth. On the same night a horse gave birth to two colts. When his mother awoke the next day, the house was gone, but the baby and colts remained. His mother raises the boy, but the boy dies. After that death, Lug, the high God, appears to his mother and tells her she is pregnant with his son. This boy would be born and named Sétanta.
Strength: Wind
Weakness: Ice
Primary Skillset: Wind
Secondary Skillset: Healing

Garu | Small wind damage to one enemy
Magaru| Small wind damage to all enemies
Garula | Medium wind damage to one enemy
Magarula | Medium wind damage to all enemies
Garudyne | Large wind damange to one enemy
Magarudyne | Large wind damage to all enemies
Cleave | Small Slash damage to one enemy.
Dia | Small healing to one party member
Media | Small healing to all party members
Diarama | Medium healing to one party member
Medirama | Medium healing to all party members
Me Patra | Removes Panic, Distress, and Fear
Tarukaja | Raises an Ally's Attack for 3 turns
Rakukaja | Raises an Ally's Defense for 3 turns
Dodge Ice | Doubles evasion to Ice
Evade Ice | Triples evasion to Ice
Wind Boost | Wind Damage is increased by 25%

(Skills that are bolded are currently learned and in use)
Cú ChulainnSetanta meets the King Culann and is asked to come and feast with him. Though, at that time, Setanta is preoccupied and cannot go immediately. He tells the King he will come soon. When Setanta approaches the castle, the King has forgotten and lets loose his Hounds. Setanta kills the hounds in self-defense, angering the King. He then agrees to raise two pups to replace the dogs he killed. In replacement, Setanta agrees to act as the King's hound. Thus he is named from then on as Cu Chulainn - Culann's Hound. Cu is trained by a powerful Witch in all manners or war and becomes a fierce and feared warrior.

(All dem other fly skills transfer to this persona AWWW YEAH)

Strength: Wind
Weakness: Ice
Primary Skillset: Garu and Force
Secondary Skillset: Healing
Magurdyne | Deals large wind damage to all enemies
Recarm | Revives a fallen party member with 50% health
Tornado | Deals large wind damage + small earth damage to all enemies
Cross Fortune | Deals large wind damage + small light damage with the chance of status effect to all enemies
Wind Amp | Increases wind damage by 50%
Unique |

persona, !ooc, skill set

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