Combat and Negotiation [OOC]

Sep 09, 2012 18:39

Overall: Seamus is a upclose fighter, who relies more on his strength and agility than magic or luck. Foils and Epees used in Fencing are rather heavy, and his talent with them and vigorous training mean he's particularly strong and quick. More importantly, he's got decent endurance. Personality wise, Seamus is more likely to take a hit for a fellow team mate or be knocked out first. It'd be a rare day when Seamus was the last one standing, mostly because he's more likely to have fainted far before that point.

Stats: Strength, Agility, Vit, Mag, Luck
Strength - From Fencing
Agility - From Fencing
Vit - From Fencing
Mag - From Persona
Luck - From Arcana

Battle Quotes: (/cough stole from abbey cough)

Battle Start: "Demons at 2'clock!"
Battle Start: "Thar's nothin' t'fear but fear itself!"
Battle Start: "Don't give up hope, we can do this!"
Battle Start (weak enemies): "We'll win for S'artin!"
Battle Start (strong enemies): "Oi! Careful, this one is tough!"
Battle Start (boss): "Stick together, guys!"

Battle End: "We did it!"
Battle End: "Good teamwork!"
Battle End (Low HP): "I could use a hand..."
Battle End (Last one standing): "Don't worry, I'll help you all!"

Summon Persona: "Setanta mé thoghairm thee!" ("Setanta, I summon thee!")
Summon Persona: "Hound of Cuhlain, do my bidding!"
Status: "That'll make it easier!"
Curse: "Ha! Serves ya right, y'nasty demon!"
Knocked Out: "Like a fallin' star!"

All-Out Attack: "We've got an opening!"
All-Out Attack Confirmed: "Let's take 'em to the cleaners!"
All-Out Attack Denied: "W-what? All right, then..."

Hit with a Status Attack: "Urgh... I don't feel good."
Hit with a Curse Attack:  "Something is wrong..."

Negotiation: Seamus is not too likely to negotiate with demons. He'd rather fight them and be done with it. This stems back from his strict catholic up bringing. However, any 'angel' like being will be negotiated with, regardless of the other teammates thoughts to the matter. This is the one time he's going to be selfish.

Ask About Day: Yeah, this one is pretty self-explainatory. Seamus will ask about the Demon's day, get to see if they had a good one, or a bad one or what happens.
Quote: He says a thrilling (ie more than likely inappropriate) quote to the demon in hopes that the literary prowress he has will jar the demon into submitting or talking.
Duel: Seamus offers to fight the Demon in a one on one duel, though since they're already IN a battle this is more of a macho/look-at-how-strong I am sort of dick move. It could also be used in an attempt to attract a particularly strong enemy away from the rest of the group.
Cheer up: Most of the time it's some silly little joke, a dance, or even just telling the Demon that things will get better.


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