Aug 28, 2004 19:26
I've been so busy with school and band and my sibling's football/cheerleading games to update lately.
I guess the week was fine. Nothing exceptional, but not bad.
Mr. Moses gave us the coolest vocabulary test ever. He made us spell all the words then draw a ginger bread man and label each word to a part of his body and say why. It really made me think. Like for metor, I drew small buttons and said that he looks up to the ginger men with bigger was a cute assignment. Mr. Moses is a genius.
I told Mr. Baggett I respect him for his creativity and everyone thought I was sucking up.
I got in trouble in Spanish because the guy behind me was leaning over to try to close the blinds and his desk shifted onto two legs. I went out to grab it to keep him from falling and she thought i was trying to push him over. WTF???
I got heat exhaustion at band practice, but I didn't pass out. I hadn't had any water all day. My bottle kept leaking so I spilled it out and got coke. That was not a good idea. By the end of practice I was seriously delirious and it lasted an hour or two....kinda weird...
I hung out with Lexus and Austin today...we went to Connor and Natalie's was way too hot...I felt bad for Connor. He works real hard in practice and didn't even play 8 plays (which is illegal. Each person has to be put in for at least 8 plays a game). Mom was livid.
Tomorrow we're going to Carren's to celebrate about 6 birthdays. One of them is mine even though it was back in June (???). Becca will prolly be there so I can finally see's been forEVER!