Break a Leg

May 21, 2006 11:09

I stupidly wasn't paying enough attention whilst crossing a busy road on Friday and got hit in the right leg by a passing taxi outside work. End result was me being rushed to A&E in an ambulance with a fractured tibia (I think that is the right word) and a very swollen ankle. A few hours in casualty and my leg is plastered below the knee to my toes and I'm sent home with a set of crutches for company.

It means about 6 weeks off work, but it is doing my head in already. I'm having to rely on Neil to fetch and carry everything for me. The layout of the house is not helpful when only one leg is working. Neil decrbes me as looking like a demented seal trying to crawl up the stairs when I need the loo. It's easier to drag myself round the house like that than try to negotiate the stairs with crutches though. I'm gonna attempt to go to the R-Bar this afternoon to see Lola Lasagne perform, no doubt I will have to endure a few light hearted barbs in my direction, but hey ho :-)

I'm disappointed not to be able to get to church this morning as I was due to lead prayers, but it would take my an age to hobble up there in this state. Neil will try and get me a lift sorted for next week, and I have some pastoral visits to look forward to. Any visitor is welcome at the moment :-)

Talking of church, I have been asked by my vicar/priest Father Andrew to consider training as a "Reader" for the Church of England. This would sort of be the equivalent of when I was a Local Preacher in the Methodist Church many, many years ago. It is something I am definitely interested in and I shall be seriously looking into it.

Anyways, I feel a coffee coming on............I just gotta shuffle down the stairs on my arse to get to the kitchen.

Oh joy...................6 weeks of this to put up with.
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