
Mar 15, 2007 15:07


This journal is made of fangirling, babbling, irrationality, ranting/whining, and more fangirling. People outside of my primary fandoms or who don't know me personally are likely to be confused.

I have exactly one elective filter, and that is reserved for metaphysical discussion. I warn you in advance that it can get very loopy and out there to people who aren't interested. Do let me know if you are interested in that sort of thing when commenting. ^_^

Also, if you're new, please let me know who you are -- if we've met at a con or a chat or through a mutual friend or what-have-you. I don't recognize everyone's LJ right away, so a little reminder is really helpful. Thanks.

Those already on my friends list, no need to re-add. Just felt it was time for one of these since I've been FO for a long while now. I also reserve the right not to add back if we don't have anything in common or you don't post anything I'm interested in reading.

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