My first...and last ER trip! I hope!

Dec 22, 2005 00:23

So, if not to add to the stress of the holidays, I had my first major work related injury today! As you know, one of my jobs is working at a clothing store. Well, we have sensors we put on the clothes, which are attached by a , well, lets say, a big push pin looking thing. When times get busy, people drop all kinds of things on the floor, well, heh. I stepped on one of the pins, which went through my show and into my foot!


And me, being the biggest baby in the world, FREAKS. I sit in the back nursing my foot. My dumb ass co worker saw me step on it, and sees me trying to gimp around, and asks me " Hey, gimpy, mind helping me with some go backs?" Was she kidding or really is she just that fucking stupid? ANYWHO. So after getting advice from people, I decide its best if i go get a tetnis shot, since i havent had one since i was real little.

Great. Amy + needles = death.

So, jessica, being the most wonderful woman ever, takes me to the ER for my very first ER trip! YAY!!!...not.

(Insert small AIM quote from Scott and I's convo)
ravnos1313: how'd it go?
dramaticxstar: eh...
dramaticxstar: like the tv shows
dramaticxstar: poor mexicans, throwing up children, crying babies, irate peoples
ravnos: is that the ER or your mall?

Tehehe, ANYWAY. So, they take my blood pressure, ask me stupid questions, tell me they are going to take an xray of y foot to make sure no fragments of shoe or the metal got stuck in my foot. And they are going to give me a tetnis shot. Score. So, The scary lady comes out with this huge ass needle. EGADS. Jessica starts to go into full protect amy mode. She was trying to get me not to look, but i have to look, it helps me cope.

So, the lady is talking to me while shes doing it, im freaking out... and then... she was done.


bitches, i was worried for nothing! Getting my blood pressure taken hurt more.

So after the little boy next to me puked up what smelled/looked like rotten milk/cottage cheese, i waited for my xray, which, they forgot about. So 3.5 hours later, i was still gimpy, bandaided, and on my way!

Yay for first times in the ER!!!

that is all :)
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