There's Nothing Ironic About Mahogany, Chapter Four

Sep 01, 2012 00:36

A Glee/ The Hunger Games cross-over fic. After a failed uprising in the districts of Lima, each year twelve boys and twelve girls are selected to compete in a fight to the death in a specially created, deadly arena. The tributes this year have bonded closely, but only one can survive The Hunger Games.

Warnings: Character death, swearing
Rating: R
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: If I owned Glee, the lighting would be better, and Sugar would rule errythang. And if I owned The Hunger Games, Foxface would have destroyed them all.
Author's Note: This is gonna be a bloodbath.

After the final interview, in which Sue called Dave boring and sent him out before the bell rang, the tributes changed back into their own clothes, and congregated in the large living room once more. It was nearly dark outside, but nobody felt tired. By this time tomorrow they would have entered the Games, and some of them would be dead. It was Harmony who eventually broke the silence.

“How about one last song?” she asked in her usual excitable manner. “You know, like a final goodbye.”

Most of the others nodded in agreement. Rachel seemed ready to take the lead, when Sugar began to sing.

“What would you think if I sang out of tune, would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears and I’ll sing you a song, and I’ll try not sing out of key.”

This earned some laughs from the others, who moved into the group a little closer, and began to join in.

“Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends, oh, I get high with a little help from my friends, oh, I’m gonna try with a little help from my friends.”

Unseen by the tributes, peeking round the edge of the door, Burt and Beiste smiled at each other, before making their way quietly out of the room. In the morning, the pair returned to the living room, to find all twenty-four kids still perched on various couches, or the floor, asleep.

“Let’s just give them five more minutes,” Burt said quietly.

Meanwhile, across Lima, President Figgins awoke with a smile. Today was the day of the Games, and it was about to get very messy.

“Good luck girls,” Burt said.

After being woken, they were dressed for the first time, much to Kurt’s dismay, in the clothes they would wear for the entirety of the Games, before they were transported to where the event would take place. Burt and Beiste remained with them the whole way, right up to the underground passages underneath the arena, where the kids would stand on their platforms and be raised into the game.

“When you get into the arena you’ll be at the cornucopia, where there will be weapons, food, camping equipment and medicine,” Burt continued.

Not far away, Beiste was giving the boys the same speech.

“Traditionally, the cornucopia is a blood bath” she said. “Hopefully this year, with your friendship, you’ll all amicably part ways, and you can avoid any deaths.”
“It’s unlikely, however,” Burt told the girls. “I know some of you have come to me for extra training, and Shannon has told me that some of the boys have gone to her too. My advice would be to avoid the cornucopia, and get out of there as fast as you can. Find water, that’ll be your best bet for survival. I want you all to do me proud out there.”

The girls nodded.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for us, Burt,” Quinn smiled.
“You’ve be amazing,” Mercedes agreed.
“Yeah, you’ve been fine,” Aphasia nodded. “But I’m not staying out of the cornucopia.”
“Why not?” Burt frowned.
“Because, Burt,” Aphasia said, rolling her eyes. “That’s where they keep the weapons.”

Five minutes to go. The boys remained quiet, nervous. Suddenly, Beiste spoke, making them jump.

“Artie, I almost forgot! I managed to sort some sponsors for you,” she said. “Here’s your ReWalk.”

She stepped aside, and Artie was faced with what looked like a metal frame in the shape of two legs. Mike and Sam hurried to help him out of the chair, whilst Rory and Finn lifted the ReWalk. Puck helped to clip it on the sides of Artie’s legs, and, tentatively, he placed his weight on them. To his surprise, they held firm, and he found himself able to let go of the boys and stand on his own. He had waited for this moment since he was eight years old, trapped in the hot twisted metal of one of the technology units, crying in pain from the searing heat burning his legs.

“I can’t believe it,” he whispered.

He attempted to take a few steps, before breaking into a light, circular jog. The other boys laughed at his delight, breaking the previous tension.

“That’s fantastic, Artie,” Jesse smiled warmly.
“More competition for us,” Sebastian said, though his eyes sparkled, giving away his happiness.
“Congratulations, Artie,” Jeff nodded.

Beiste reluctantly broke up the happiness, her eyes brimming with tears.

“It’s time to take your places boys.”
“Thank you for everything,” Sam said, and the boys nodded in agreement.

They looked around at each other, no one wanting to be the first to step on a plate. With a deep breath, Puck took the plate nearest, and was quickly followed by Sebastian, Jesse, Dave and Finn. The rest of the boys took their places, and slowly, the glass descended over the plates, effectively trapping them in. Not far away, the girls did the same. Each tribute gave one last look at their mentor. Emma should have been there too, but she was too emotional to say goodbye. And then, without another word, the plates rose up to the arena.

“Wow,” Rachel gasped.

The round plates had risen into a large, rocky landscape that went on for miles. Grey skies blended with even greyer rocks, with hints of green from some trees in the distance. About twenty metres away lay the cornucopia - a giant, golden, horn shaped object with a curved, twisting tail. Rachel could see in its entrance several weapons and backpacks, no doubt containing medicine and other useful items. She glanced to her left, and her eyes met with Quinn’s. The sixty seconds in which they were required to remain standing on their plates was almost up. Almost imperceptibly, Quinn shook her head. Rachel glanced back at the cornucopia - Quinn was telling her to avoid it.

Five… Four… Three… Two… One.

sugar motta, the hunger games, aphasia, rating: r, mike chang, jesse st. james, mercedes jones, rachel berry, burt hummel, rory flanagan, noah puckerman, sam evans, sue sylvester, harmony, glee, kurt hummel, dave karofsky, artie abrams, sebastian smythe, there's nothing ironic about mahogany, quinn fabray, finn hudson, figgins, shannon beiste

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