(no subject)

Dec 27, 2007 22:36

Avenue Q is a musical set in New York City. In the manner of Sesame Street, humans and puppets happily coexist. However, the show deals with more adult issues, such as life after college, porn, homosexuality, and discovering one's purpose in life.

And it is most likely the most influential show I have ever come across. I can connect with everything in this show.

Let's start with the characters, shall we? How they pertain to me, actually...

First, we have Princeton, fresh out to the world, but he can't seem to get a move on and is scared, yet optimistic of, the future.

Kate Monster is sweet an loving. She has concerns over her appearance, and wants nothing more than for someone she can love who will love her back.

Nicky, who just wants to his friends to be happy, but he himself is lacking in the ambition area.

Rod. I feel a deeper connection with Rod than I have felt for and character before. He is in love with his best friend, of the same sex (Nicky), but does not have his feelings reciprocated. In one scene, Nicky confesses his love for Rod, bud Rod later wakes up to realize that it was just a dream. Rod is very introverted, and into reading and musicals.

Trekkie Monster is very obsessed, albeit witrh more unsavory things than I.

Lucy The Slut takes great pleasure in making others happy....double entendres abound!

Brian.....he's a weirdo. End of story.

Christmas Eve is intelligent and fierce.

Gary Coleman (yes, THAT Gary Coleman) realizes how much life sucks but keeps trudging through.

The Bad Ideas Bears are just a manifestation of all the stupid shit people do a daily basis.

Mrs. Thistletwat...........well, who can connect with that crabby old bitch?

Now for the songs, and more importantly, the lines that are most signifacant to me.

-Avenue Q Theme:
"The work's real hard and the pay's real low
And every hour goes oh-so slow
And at the end of the day there's nowhere to go
But home to Avenue Q!"

First, I make zero money. ANYWAYS, this can apply to my everyday life, especially when preparing for a performance. I work until it's time to go home (and the time DOES stretch), but then I can go home to the same place I love and am comfortable in, even if it's not that great.

-What Do You Do With A BA In English?
"The world is a big scary place.
But somehow I can't chake
The feeling I might make
A difference to the human race!"

Speaks for it's self, I do believe.

-It Sucks To be Me
"So why don't I have a boyfriend?"

I'm not one of those people that needs to be in a relationship to be happy, but I totally want one.

"On Avenue Q (sucks to be us)
But not when we're together!"

It sucks to be everybody, but as long as I have my friends, everything is good.

-If You Were Gay
"I wouldn't get in your way
You can count on me
To always be
Beside you every day
To tell you its okay
You were just born that way
and as they say
It's in your DNA, you're gay!"

Iffin' anyone ever nneds someone comletely safe to come out of the closet to, come out to me! Supporting gay lifestyles is one of the reasons I was born!

"Gotta find my purpose,
gotta find me!"

I wanna know what my life's gonna be. Doesn't everyone?

-Everyone's A Little Bit Racist
"If we all could just admit
That we are racist a little bit
And everyone stopped being so PC
Maybe we could live in harmony!"

SIRIUSLEE. Does it really matter if someone sees you as Kenyan when you're from Zimbabwe, or if someone thinks that because you're Indian and live in NYC that you drive a taxi? NO. IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER.

-The Internet Is For Porn
"Why you think the net was born?
Porn, porn, porn!"

The internet would not be the giant if it was not for porn.........even gay porn. About Hidan and Kakuzu. But, that's a whole other story.

-Mix Tape
"Will we be frineds
Or something more?
I think he's interested
But I'm not sure."

The trial an tribulations of liking a friend as more than that! But good things CAN happen, let me tell you!

-I'm Not Wearing Underwear Today
...........which are really the just the lyrics.

Commando can be fun. :)

"Your life's a routine that repeats each day
No one cares who you are or what you say
And sometimes you feel like you're nobody
But you can feel like somebody
with me!"

Lets me say right now that I certaily am not a slut. But I know that its sucks to feel like no one and I like to try to do what I can to make people feel good about themselves and realize that they ARE somebody. But not via sex like Lucy.

-You Can Be As Loud As The Hell You Want (When You're Makin' Love)
"You're not allowed to be loud at a library
At the art museum or at a play
But when you and your partner
are doing the nasty
Don't behave like you're at the ballet!"

If you're gonna do it, do it like you wanna. 'Nuff said.

-Fantasies Come True
It sure can get lonely at night. Nicky, you awake?

Ah, is that a unicorn?

Ugh, he's talking in his sleep again.

No, I'll wear the purple shoes. Hh, who painted the kitten?

Ugh, maybe I should just shake him.

I love you, Rod

What did you say?

I love your little laugh

Nicky? Are you awake?

Take off your shirt

Oh Nicholas! Have you been shy all this time?
Have we been... hiding from each other? I wonder...

All those nights
I'd lay in bed
Thoughts of you
Running through my head

I know, put my earmuffs on the cookie

But I never thought
The things in my head
Could really happen
In my bed

You look like David Hasselhoff

All those years
I missed the signs
Couldn't read
Between the lines

Who'd have thought
I would see the day
Where I'd hear you say
What I heard you say

And now I find
What was always in my mind was in your mind too
Who knew? Fantasies come true
And now I see
That what I always dreamed of was meant to be
You and me and you, fantasies come true


Uh, hey Rod, buddy, you're talking in your sleep.

Oh, I thought you were talking in your sleep...

No I just came to bed. Heh, you're dreamin' is all.


Sounded like a nice dream, though.

Yes it was a nice dream.


Goodnight, Nicky."

I'd like to take a chance to say SADDEST SONG EVER. I just wanna hug Rod at the end. If you haven't heard this, you should go listen to it right now. Rod's "Goodnight, Nicky." at the end rips my heart to pieces everytime. Sigh. AndI'd rather not go into detail, kay? Good.

-My Girlfriend, Who Lives In Canada

...........well, I do love the song!

-There's A Fine, Fine Line
"And I don't have the time to waste on you anymore
I don't think that you even know what you're looking for
For my own sanity, I've got to close the door
And walk away."

I'm not going to waste my life on thinking of and loving someone who doesn't love me back. If someone doesn't love you back, then it hurts, but get out there and find the person who does, that you love also!

-There Is Life Outside Your Apartment
"But there is life outside your apartament
And you're only gonna see it if you leave!"

For me, this is more leaving my hometown than an apartament. I'm gonna find some more interesting life forms than the ones in my town.

-The More You Ruv Someone
and hate
They like two brother
who go on a date.
Where one of them goes
Other one follows
You inviting love
He also bringing sorrows."

Love brings sorrow. And brothers should date. Each other. Especially when they're twins.

"That's schadenfreude!
People taking pleasure in your pain!"

Ignoring the S & M abilities of this song, other people feeling bad makes one feel good, whether you'll admit it or not.

-I Wish I Could Go Back To College

....I haven't been to college. I'll come back when Ive got some experience, mmkay?

-The Money Song
"When you help others, you can't help helping yourself!"

Helping others makes you feel great.

-For Now
Why does everything have to be so hard?

Maybe you'll never find your purpose.

Lots of people don't.

But then- I don't know why I'm even alive!

Well, who does, really?
Everyone's a little bit unsatisfied.

Everyone goes 'round a little empty inside.

Take a breath,
Look around,

Swallow your pride,

FOr now...

For now...

Nothing lasts,

Life goes on,

Full of surprises.

You'll be faced with problems of all shapes and sizes.

You're going to have to make a few compromises...
For now...

For now...

But only for now! (For now)
Only for now! (For now)
Only for now! (For now)
Only for now!

For now we're healthy.

For now we're employed.

For now we're happy...

If not overjoyed.

And we'll accept the things we cannot avoid, for now...

For now...

For now...

For now...

But only for now! (For now)
Only for now! (For now)
Only for now! (For now)
Only for now!

Only for now!
(For now there's life!)
Only for now!
(For now there's love!)
Only for now!
(For now there's work!)
For now there's happiness!
But only for now!
(For now discomfort!)
Only for now!
(For now there's friendship!)
Only for now (For now!)
Only for now!

Only for now! (Sex!)
Is only for now! (Your hair!)
Is only for now! (George Bush!)
Is only for now!

Don't stress,
Let life roll off your backs
Except for death and paying taxes,
Everything in life is only for now!

Each time you smile...

...Only for now

It'll only last a while.

...Only for now

Life may be scary...

...Only for now
But it's only temporary

Ba-dum ba-dum
Ba-dum ba-dum
Ba dum ba-dum
Ba-da da da da
ba-da da-da da da-da
Ba-dum ba-da, ba-dum ba-da

Everything in life is only for now."

"People tell us that we reminded them that whatever they're going through now won't last forever. And that makes us happy. That's what we wanted the show to do: To tell people that they'll be okay." - Jeff Marx, co-creator of Avenue Q.

This song, more than anything, helped me. It helped me tremendously. I realized that soon this segement of my life will be over, and something new, whether good or bad, is on it's way. I know, because of this song, that I can get through what ever's happening, because it's only for now.

Even George Bush, thank the gods.

"That's why people sing. They want so bad, they have to start singing." -Kevin McCollum, Avenue Q producer.
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