Jun 29, 2010 11:51
Greetings Sports Fan's (Yeah I went there)
So I have neglected my livejournal again, but hey..its been worse before. A Couple of months is better than a whole year right?
Mainly I think its because I haven't much to write about, or much inspiration to be creative, and all that mumbo jumbo...and life is just well i suppose at this point in time, sitting in cruise control, pretty much just running in routine week to week....you know.....eat sleep, work, drive, eat sleep, drive, work, sleep , sleep during work...that sorta stuff.
I'm still hoping to get to The USA at some point in time within the next 12 months. This depends however on going-ons with tafe and its kinda fucked up structure at the moment. The course can't really be taught without teachers! I've actually been pretty pissed off with tafe since about this time last year when things started to go down the crapper. Although a pretty down period in family life didn't help last May....tafe was just starting to go down hill, and I believe it hasn't really picked up in 2010.
Don't get me wrong, we've had a pretty great teacher for the first semester this year, albeit the semester starting in fucking april. Anyway, I have just sat two exams that went pretty well, and have one assignment to finish off by this week....then Its looking like I'm done with the place for a few months, as currently, and as the story has been for the whole semester just passed, we have no teachers!!? Fail.
Anyway back to bigger and brighter idea; USA 2011. I've no idea when I'm gonna go yet, but I had done a dummy itinerary for 4th February to 4th March, going around Los Angeles -> Seattle -> Vancouver -> Toronto -> NYC -> Miami and then I don't know where. Of course, If I end up flying solo, there's no way all this is gonna happen unless i take out another loan, which I would like to avoid. but ya never know. The other options are U2 are likely to be back on Tour in the States by next year, so there is the possibility of seeing them live again....and secondly, Tori given her Album Release/Tour Schedule's from the past decade, is due for a new Album and Tour in 2011.....so I would love to follow her around the states for a few weeks....that would be awesome.
I think its gonna come down to U2 and Tori, and who I love more..(which at this point in time is dead even)...Hahaha....unless they go on a tour together, its a tough choice. Dad also wants to go for a 'driving holiday' in the states, which we had sorta planned on happening next year, but given recent happenings in how I get on with my immediate family, and how they get on with themselves, god only knows. Man life was so much easier back in high scoool!, when all we wanted was, OUT!
I'm also off to see Muse in December, and possibly Paramore in October, concerts have really dried up for me this year. Anything is gonna struggle to pass 2007 when i went to something like 19 shows....
Bring on 2011 I say!!
tori amos,