So, yes, I learned of a new country today - the subject of this post. I'll admit - right - my knowledge of countries of the world is a bit sketchy (sorry, Balkans - you guys confuse me. I'm never sure whether the countries I remember still exist or not, but I love you anyway.) and I am particularly (shamefully) ignorant of a large number of African countries. Swaziland being one of them.
Damn, it's such a snazzy name for a country.
Anyway, I went to use a coin in the money machine thing today and it wouldn't go in. This machine is pretty stealthy - it doesn't accept fake coins at all and I get so many freaking fake coins you wouldn't even believe. Tried to use a Swaziland coin - shown above - didn't work and I was all "Not another bitching fake. Am I a magnet for these bastards?!" Actually look at coin. Realise it isn't British at all. Lol for a bit. Finnd out it's worth 9 pence (arrggghh, that means the Universe just bumped me 91 pence. The indignity!). Give it to a guy I know who can drill a hole in it so I can wear it as jewellery.
Man, I'm so cool.