Sep 03, 2006 10:52
I had... so much fun today! In just one day-- Oh, and including yesterday, and the other day, I had so much fun! (^-^)!!
I'm so happy to have seen Romuel no Bokushi again-- and his family, as well~~ v v v Ureshii wa~~
I missed everyone so much, it made me almost tear in joy when I saw them again. (TOT) ~ ~
Minna, daaaaaaaiiisuukiiiiiii ~ ~ (///)
I had a visit to them yesterday afternoon after I had finished preparing everyone's gifts, finally.
I bought...
Fruit juices, candies, chocolates, and a lemon frosted chiffon cake especially made for my Number One/Idol/Mentor, Deumus-sama~~! v v v
When I was hunting with Q-san the other day, we happened to find lemons across the way; I picked one up... Aa, it was so cute! Q-san looked over and told me something very, very cool-- Deu-sama loves lemons!! (*D*)~~ *DOKI;;;*
Lemon, lemon~
So I decided to collect them~ --... Besides, they looked too good to be thrown away or sold~ ; ; ;
So then, when I got home, though I was a little tired; I still knew that I had to keep my promise to visit them and bring along gifts. I was so glad that I managed to make the items on time and in a great condition! I felt so accomplished.
--... Oh!! (^O^) And I can't forget the Alice I had brought for them-- which they named, Ruri! Ruri... Ruri-tan~ It's such a cute name, I enjoy saying it. (^^) I found Ruri-tan in Glast Heim very recently. I was hunting for items yet I notice none of the monsters even attacked me-- ... I thought that was weird, so I punched some of them. They still didn't care at all! They just walked away~~ ; ; ;
Shortly, when I was on my way, I notice an Alice was following me. o.oa ... ; ; ; She was so cute, so I decided to take her with me! (^^) She behaved so well, too~
Because of that, everyone grew fond of her so quickly-- Including baka Gen himself~ Isn't that a surprise??
Speaking of Gen, there are more surprises that he had done! Yesterday, I heard that he lent his 2000 self-crafted arrows to my brother Grip; and just earlier he gave a pink poring doll and a very cute flower to him. When I found out about it, I hurried and told everyone! --... And everyone went all...
Well, I understand how they feel. Even I couldn't believe it at first!! When I went to approach Gen, he was all...
">> .......... #"
And then he started saying very mean things to me! (TT TT) He is such an idiot, so I walked away from him. Hmph! (=O=)!!!
Shay-san and Aryan-san promised me that they'll smack Gen for me-- Good for him!! He deserves it!! For being such an idiot, ka na. ; ; ; ;
Eli-kun and I decided to play a trick on him. (Eli-kun collected Ments when we went on hunting earlier.) Even just sometimes, I'll get back at him!
He can't keep messing with everyone like that! Bad, bad Gen!!! #
Look, even his age is growing so fast. He's starting to get many, many, many wrinkles.
It's his fault-- always so grumpy! Like an old man, dou?! Eli-kun agrees with me, I'm glad!
And Romu-san calls himself old-- He sounds a lot younger than Gen himself, he should know!!!!
........ (=_=) ..........
*calms down*
Okay~~! So let's see here... --... Ah!! Yes!! Soon, I'll be coming over to the chateau again~
I've been invited for a special, special night~! Waaiiii!!! (^O^) Won't that be so great??
The special night will be held on the seventh night from today-- I'm so excited already! @@~~
I can't believe this, oohh... (/////////) And they told me everyone would be there!!
I would want to bring everyone else from my side, too~ That would make it... x10000 more special than it should be!
Special, special night~
v v v