Don't You Forget About Me - The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon

May 05, 2011 12:27

I'm terribly sorry, I've not written anything in ages!!

Okay, so. Doctor Who. Two amazing brand new episodes and I LOVED them!!!

The Impossible Astronaut

The Doctor died, Amy's pregnant, there are evil monsters everywhere and Canton is amazing.

Best bits: The Doctor and River's endless flirting ("She's just a friend"), River's speech to Rory, Karen 'Can't Act' (but can really) Gillan's scene when the Doctor died, and my god, I could not have hoped for a better episode!

Day of the Moon

Amy isn't pregnant any more (or is she?), the Silence are amazingly creepy, and the girl REGENERATED. I mean actually, stood there, arms out, and REGENERATED. I don't think I spoke for five minutes.

Best bits: River falling into the swimming pool (who didn't love that bit?) Rory in glasses (please, please let him wear them again), the Doctor biting the handcuffs and the kiss. That was... wow. The Doctor being his typical awkward giraffe self, and River's heartbreaking expression when she realised it was his first, and her last. I loved every minute of this episode.

Also, I love Rory so much! His speech to the Doctor, wearing glasses, just... omg, I love him. I don't really care too much about Amy (although if she starts being nice to Rory, then I'll like her a whole lot more) but Rory is fantastic.

And Canton needs a spin-off series. Because he is wonderful. <3


The Doctor: I'm being extremely clever up here, and there is no-one to stand around looking impressed. What is the point in having you all?
River: (to Amy and Rory) Couldn't you just slap him sometimes?

The Doctor: I'm your new undercover agent, on loan from Scotland Yard. Codename, the Doctor. These are my top operatives: The Legs, the Nose, and Mrs Robinson.
River: I hate you.
The Doctor: No you don't!

The Doctor: You've got that face on again.
River: What face?
The Doctor: The 'he's hot when he's clever face' (smiles)
River: This is my normal face.
The Doctor: (flirtatious) Yes, it is.
River: (starts to smile) Oh, shut up.
The Doctor: Not a chance.

Amy: Cool aliens?
The Doctor: Well, what would you call me?
Amy: An alien.

The Doctor: Oh, and this is my friend River. Nice hair, clever, has her own gun. And unlike me, she really doesn't mind shooting people. I shouldn't like that. Kinda do a bit.
River: Thank you, sweetie.
The Doctor: I know you're team players and everything, but she'll definitely kill at least the first three of you.
River: Oh, the first seven, easily.
The Doctor: Seven, really?
River: Oh, eight for you, honey.
The Doctor: Stop it!
River: (sexily) Make me.
The Doctor: Oh, maybe I will!
Amy: (strapped to a chair) Is this really important flirting, because I feel like I should be higher on the list right now!

The Doctor: Don't let them build to full power!
River: I know! There's a reason why I'm shooting at it! (The Doctor stands back to back with her, brandishing his sonic screwdriver as she continues to fire her gun.) What are you doing?
The Doctor: Helping!
River: You've got a screwdriver! Go build a cabinet!
The Doctor: That's really rude!

(in the TARDIS)
The Doctor: You could let me fly it!
River: Yeah, or we could go where we're supposed to.
Nixon: This person you want to marry. Black?
Canton: Yes.
Nixon: I know what people think of me but perhaps I'm a little more liberal --
Canton: ...He is.
Nixon: (long pause) I think the moon is far enough for now, don't you, Mr. Delaware?
Canton: I figured it might be.

I love Canton. <3 (quotes stolen from sue_denimme )

BRB, just going over here to be a melting pile of fangirl goo. <3

episode: day of the moon, episode: the impossibly astronaut, series 6, ship: amy/rory, river you bamf, gifs, fandom: doctor who, rory is an awesome bamf and i love him, new episodes, photos, ship: eleven/river

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