Some people do listen to me.

Apr 15, 2006 03:28

"oh, and thanks for the link! i like Xenotone's stuff quite a bit, i'll probably pick up that sampler :3"

By which, she meant the demo CD. See? I do some productive things. Even if no-one ever notices.

"If you do things right, it'll be like you've done nothing at all."

Too fucking true.

No one ever fucking notices. That's the point of this post. The stuck up, self riteous decleration not of intent, but of many unoticed past actions.

I suppose it's better that way.

I wish I wasn't so vain, otherwise I'd be a lot happier with myself. I do things right, yet it doesn't seem to satisfy my self-riteous, stuck up, vainglorious side. Well, fuck me, I suppose is the obvious answer. Yet I love myself too much to say that. I'd say fuck you all, but I like life and all of you too much to say that, despite what you all say and do.

Anyways, I'm just going to laugh and go to sleep in a while.

Blame alcohol, or cannabis, whatever you choose. It's so much easier to blame your intake than yourself, isn't it? Even though you chose the intake to excuse what you wanted to say or do, coward.
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