My Week in New York

Jan 21, 2007 20:55

Ok..for those interested parties...if that does not include you skip this :-P

So i rode up to SRU last sunday and did a few tweaks of myu designs. I had to spraypaint a pair of shoes back to tan and dig up a few items. Then I stayed over with my friend Stef who is absolutely the loudest girl i know hands down. Her and her roomates were a riot, but i was up amazingly late to start this whole thing off.

I didn't sleep much on the way there, as i had lots of things to keep my attention. In my van was Reba (professor and sort of my costumes mentor)Emily (My old roomie of 1 year), Bethany( my hysterical little from my fraternity), Kelly (Another techie whom i hadn't the opportunity to get very close to when i was there but her and i got along so well), Steph (Stage Manager/Designer--quiet tiny little thing with a huge personality when i comes out), Nick (guy i had a crush on at one point/ techie...oye thats embarassing to admit), Dennis (big guy from english classes also an actor), and Chris (I'd never met him before. We were the quiet van...everyone on the other van was loud and wild and apparently fond of singing show tunes at the top of their lungs.

So we got all of our stuff set up. I did not have a name tag for 3 days. *groan*, but i got settled in to the hotel. i stayed with Reba so i had a whole bed to myself, which was awesome, but i wound up spending alot of time in bethany, kelly, Steph and Emily's room. Every night Kelly and i watched Law and Order SVU.'s amazing how much we have in common and never knew.

The first day I had to put up my exhibit and go to a few workshops. i wetn to one on Costume Rendering (like painting and drawing) using markers only. it was amazing and now i want to go buy markers to try it. That night I hung out with Kelly and Bethany much of the night. I think maybe thats when i texted Ceci too. We needed to know what "tengo miedo" meant because that was an away message Kelly's g/f had up and she was all parnoid.

Over the next few days I went to a few other workshops and saw a series of plays:

"Searching for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Uterus" which was about the conservative viewpoint. They took well known conservative politicians and public figures and basically made fun of them in a cabaret style show. Ann Coulter was screwing around with both Bill O'Reilly and Donald Rumsfeld and wound up getting pregnant to O'Reilley. She went to have the fetus aboreted but a pro life group stole fetuses that day and had them implanted in other women. So her baby grew up with....yes two mommies. Way to freak out a conservative. it was a big joke and would have been excelent if the actors could actually sing. *cringe* Mean of me but true

"The Oresteia" - a greek tragedy by Aeshchelus. Ity takes place after the fall of troy. it was good except the gods had like a rock-star image which kinda came out of nowhere. I was also not super fond of the chorus' last costume change. They should have kept them more covered as not all of them were twigs. :(

"Stop Kiss" - We actually did this at my uni. My roomate was in it. She did an excellent job too, to which these girls were comparative. It is about two girls in NYC who wind up falling in love and that very night get drawn into a hate-crime. It's really touching, though the second time lost a little of novelty for me. Not sure if it was becauwse i'd already seen it or because it wasn't as good. I do have to give the director credit though. She really made alot of the little messages in the lines more clear through the movement and excecution. Overall it was funny, and how can a play that uses a real cat ever go wrong. ;)

"Dora : A Story of Hysteria" - No one but me liked this apparently. Its about a case study by Freude. It sort of goes into the whole idea that psychoanalysis plants ideas into the patients head that may not be tru to begin with. Signs were read wrong and in the end it shows how little control over her own life a girl had back in vistorian times.

"Waiting for Godot" - I never really liked this play, but the guys who presented it did an amazing job. The one actor actually got a standing ovation in the MIDDLE of the play because of the insane monologue he did. It had its ups and downs but other than the story iotself i have little to complain about. I like that they did it with the irish accent and all. it made it much more clear to be. "Godot"---God-O. Get the picture?

One of the actors from my own school actually made it all the way to the finals of the acting Competition, the Irene Ryans. It was the first time in 8 years for that. Her name is Deanna Brookens and her partner was Jeff Feola. They did an excellent job, but down at the final 16 there were so many excellent performers. I was very impressed with everyone. Actually they messed her name up on the program during the semi finals and wrote Bronna Brockens. So we all chanted it before she came out. "Bronna Brockens...Bronna Brockens" It was funny. the funny stuff.

So SRU (my uni) is doing Little Shop of Horrors this year as their musical and my little, Bethany is to be the big man eating plant. Now ordinarily befroe shows bethany is known to pump people up by portraying this character Aunt Mancy who talks in this weird voice and wears her pants up really high. Shes uspposed to be a tranvestite. Well at fetival the guy who we are borrowing the plant from was there and he was giving her this description of how to work it and she gets inside and starts with the voice, "I'm Aunt Plantcy...i'm gonna bite your head off".

Also in Stop Kiss she took to staring at me with these big doe eyes bewteen every scene. I broke down into a fit of giggles over that one. And kelly started lecturing me about how i've been cheating on her (she claims we've been married for 8 years) and neglecting our child Jaquesha. Those two are wild.

Then I almost lost my pants on the starts while i was carrying my stuff, thank gosh for Reba's help. I also biffed it on the ice in my heals which Steph and Nick witnessed. Luckily I did not fall.

I instigated an ice cream run after sommenting on my craving of it and we made a detaoru on our way back to the hotel to get some from Coldstone which was expensive but really good.

People drank almost every night and they were horrendously loud at times but all of our floor was made up of college kids so it could have been worse. Crhis apparently hooked up with some girl in the bathroom and she kept passing out on him. Also according to the guys he didn't use a condom. I hope he doesn;t get a call from this girl he doesn't even know in a few weks from now saying.."your gonna be a daddy."

Nick and i chatted a bit as he wound up driving everyone around and comign over to hang out in the room i was in. He apparetly has a major soft sopt for animals especially puppies. All in all he seems like a really great guy.

I also really got to know some of the kids i hadn;t a change to before, like Andrea, Erin, Deanna, Aaron, and Casey. It was good catching up with Jeff too. I'm gonna miss them all. A week is a long time when you have to come back and go away again.

Ok so to shorten that all up i had a wonderfully funny week and really enjoyed myself. Now i am glad to be back and hopefully will got to talk to everyone soon. Love you all and missed you all. *snuggles*
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