Sep 19, 2006 12:56
So I have this problem where people come to me for relationship advice.
And it's not that I don't like listening to other people's problems, because I consider myself a pretty empathetic person (normally anyways), and I appreciate that it runs both ways-I ask for advice and for a sympathetic ear, I give one in return. But I think I'm just the wrong person to ask for this kind of advice, like whoa. And if anyone's ever heard the majorly stupid ways in which I fuck up my life in that respect, they would probably know this by now. My friend called me today because he had been dumped, and so I could obviously tell him how sorry I was and take him out to dinner, but I couldn't really offer him anything real, since I don't know myself. Many people can attest to this, Sara, Betty...I really don't have it together and probably should not be offering anyone else help, as I will most likely screw them over the way I have screwed myself over.
Sooo....yeah. Minor self pity for the day. Anyways...moving on.
As it's been 3 months and I still want a tattoo, I'm actually going to get one because I figure I've waited the smart amount of waiting time. Still not sure what to get though...I'm thinking a giant world map across my back. It'd be hot. Yep.
We have a problem with unwelcome visitors in our room: a spider named Fred, silverfish, a mouse named Gus, and today a centipede named Poseidon. Ewwww...every time I think about it I feel unclean and shiver, so so gross. Fucking BU. I fucking hate you.
Well, this has been a rather bitter entry, something good perhaps? I've joined the BU ballroom dance club, tonight is swing part 2. Should be fun, hopefully i can learn something new. Tango yesterday, new friends in my class (yay!) and they're kind of crazy-they want to learn how to sky dive. I wanna play!! We finally have groceries in our room, which is pleasant, and because my roommate's a peanut butter hating freak I get all the peanut butter granola bars, which is obviously exciting. What else...Russ is happy at MassArt, so I'm happy for him. Gym yesterday for 2 1/2 hours, freaking exhausted but feeling nice.
Guess that's it. I think I should probably have a more exciting life.